MDLP Release 2021_03
Document History
Version | Changes | Effective Date |
1.0 | First approved version 3Keys MDLP Add-On release 2021_03 | 01-Aug-2021 |
1. Notes
Note | Description | Category |
New option implemented to display information about installed MDLP Connector software version via transaction /K3T/RU_MONITOR. New button “Software Version” added into header ALV toolbar Software component K3T assigned for packages /K3T/REP_RU, /K3T/REP_RU_SRV as part of SAP certification preparation | New feature | |
Function “Reset processing status” at transaction /K3T/RU_MONITOR works incorrectly:
Function “Repeat message sending” at transaction /K3T/RU_MONITOR works incorrectly in case connection problem to MDLP occurs on message sending. | Error | |
Function “Sequence check” works incorrectly for message 915 in case other message with early operation date exists with the same top-level SSCC, the part of SGTIN-SSCC is send before another message with early operation date. Single run protection in program /K3T/RU_MDLP_IN works incorrectly | Error | |
Runtime error on program /K3T/RU_OMS_TOKEN when program run first time if more than one OMS system is configured for dynamic token. In some cases, BR_CRYPTO_COMM reporting event failed with token related error. New option added into program /K3T/RU_OMS_TOKEN to execute ping specified system. Ping result is available at SLG1 application log | New feature | |
New option added to program /K3T/RU_MDLP_CLEANUP to delete logistic monitor data | New feature | |
Operation date is calculated incorrectly for message 313 created based on rule type Z3K_313: current date time used instead of event date time | Error | |
New mode “API request” added into transaction /K3T/RU_MDLP_SN_INFO with support multiple EPC code input for mass MDLP status update | New feature |
2. Transport request ATTP FP04
The transport request AT1K900809 includes the release notes RN_2021_03 for ATTP FP04 with following list of implemented notes.
Note: The transport request AT1K900728 (RN_2021_02) is a prerequisite for the import
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2021_03_1 | AT1K900800 | AT1K900728 | 06-Jul-2021 |
2021_03_2 | AT1K900790 | AT1K900728 | 06-Jul-2021 |
2021_03_3 | AT1K900792 | AT1K900728 | 06-Jul-2021 |
2021_03_4 | AT1K900807 | AT1K900728 | 27-Jul-2021 |
2021_03_5 | AT1K900794 | AT1K900728 | 06-Jul-2021 |
2021_03_6 | AT1K900796 | AT1K900728 | 06-Jul-2021 |
2021_03_7 | AT1K900805 | AT1K900728 | 26-Jul-2021 |
3. Transport request ATTP FP05
The transport request D1AK900335 includes the release notes RN_2021_03 for ATTP FP05 with following list of implemented notes.
Note: The transport request D1AK900283 (RN_2021_02) is a prerequisite for the import
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2021_03_1 | D1AK900311 | D1AK900283 | 06-Jul-2021 |
2021_03_2 | D1AK900313 | D1AK900283 | 06-Jul-2021 |
2021_03_3 | D1AK900315 | D1AK900283 | 06-Jul-2021 |
2021_03_4 | D1AK900331 | D1AK900283 | 27-Jul-2021 |
2021_03_5 | D1AK900319 | D1AK900283 | 06-Jul-2021 |
2021_03_6 | D1AK900321 | D1AK900283 | 06-Jul-2021 |
2021_03_7 | D1AK900325 | D1AK900283 | 26-Jul-2021 |
4. Transport request ATTP 3.0
The transport request A1DK900196 includes the release notes RN_2021_03 for ATTP 3.0 with following list of implemented notes.
Note: The transport request A1DK900159 (RN_2021_02) is a prerequisite for the import
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2021_03_1 | A1DK900190 | A1DK900159 | 06-Jul-2021 |
2021_03_2 | A1DK900189 | A1DK900159 | 06-Jul-2021 |
2021_03_3 | A1DK900187 | A1DK900159 | 06-Jul-2021 |
2021_03_4 | A1DK900195 | A1DK900159 | 27-Jul-2021 |
2021_03_5 | A1DK900188 | A1DK900159 | 06-Jul-2021 |
2021_03_6 | A1DK900186 | A1DK900159 | 06-Jul-2021 |
2021_03_7 | A1DK900193 | A1DK900159 | 26-Jul-2021 |