MDLP Note 2021_03_2
Document History
Version | Changes | Effective Date |
1.0 | First approved version 3Keys MDLP Add-On Note 2021_03_2 | 06-Jul-2021 |
1. Overview
This document describes changes in the 3Keys MDLP connector ABAP part.
2. Description
Function “Reset processing status” at transaction /K3T/RU_MONITOR works incorrectly:
Header status is not changed.
After successful processing message still blocks sequence queue.
After correction header status will be changed to:
Processing if message has only one part
If message has more than 1 part:
o Scheduled if all other parts has status scheduled.
o Recalled if status was reset for 250/251/252 message.
o Processing for all other cases.
After successful processing message will not block sequence queue.
Function “Repeat message sending” at transaction /K3T/RU_MONITOR works incorrectly in case connection problem to MDLP occurs on message sending.
Header status is different from message status (header status scheduled and message status error).
When trying to “Reset processing status”, the following message is displayed:
Message locked by other process. Started by user USER1 at 04.06.2021 12:53:18 (MonId XYZ)
Message no. /K3T/REP_RU098
USER1 is the User ID who is executing the Reset (not background job user).
Implementation error.
After correction additional change log line appears for action “Send document” to inform user about connection issue (field name “OPERATION_RESULT” field value “MDLP connection issue”). Header and message status are not changed. Lock is deleted correctly, and it is possible to perform function “Repeat message sending” or “Reset processing status”.
3. Solution
Import related to the transport request.
3.1 Correction instruction FP04
Transport request | Description / Dependencies |
AT1K900790 | 3Keys MDLP Add-On FP04 Note 2021_03_02 Required transport AT1K900728 |
3.2 Correction instruction FP05
Transport request | Description / Dependencies |
D1AK900313 | 3Keys MDLP Add-On FP05 Note 2021_03_02 Required transport D1AK900283 |
3.3 Correction instruction ATTP 3.0
Transport request | Description / Dependencies |
A1DK900189 | 3Keys MDLP Add-On 3.0 Note 2021_03_02 Required transport A1DK900159 |
4. Recommendation
Test functionality “Repeat message sending” and “Reset processing status”
5. Source code objects
Short description | Program | Object type | Object name |
Translation for: Domain Definition | LANG | DOMD | /K3T/D_RU_OPERATION_RESULT |
Domain Definition | LIMU | DOMD | /K3T/D_RU_OPERATION_RESULT |
Domain | R3TR | DOMA | /K3T/RU_NOTE2021_03_02V3 |