Uzbekistan OMS Release 2023_02
Document History
Version | Changes | Effective Date |
1.0 | First approved version 3Keys Uzbekistan OMS Add-On release 2023_02 | 01-May-2023 |
1. Overview
This document describes changes in the 3Keys Uzbekistan OMS connector ABAP part.
2. Notes
Note | Description | Category |
New transaction /K3TUZ/OMS_SW created to get installed Software version of Uzbekistan OMS connector. Output contains Notes and Release information starting from Note 2023_02_1. | New feature | |
In some scenarios aggregation report to Uzbekistan OMS system created with rule type Z3KUZ_OMS_AGGR_MPCK failed on sending with the following error from OMS system: {"globalErrors":[{"error":"The maximum number of MC in the Report has been exceeded (max=10000)","errorCode":707}],"success":false}. Report splitting logic has been corrected. Implementation error. | Error |
3. Transport request ATTP 3.0
The transport request A1DK900500 includes the release notes RN_2023_02 for ATTP 3.0 with following list of implemented notes.
Note: The transport request A1DK900422 (RN_2023_01) is a prerequisite for the import
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2023_02_1 | A1DK900444 | A1DK900422 | 20-Feb-2023 |
2023_02_2 | A1DK900484 | A1DK900444 | 13-Mar-2023 |
4. Transport request ATTP 3.1
The transport request A2DK900525 includes the release notes RN_2023_02 for ATTP 3.1 with following list of implemented notes.
Note: The transport request A2DK900448 (RN_2023_01) is a prerequisite for the import
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2023_02_1 | A2DK900477 | A2DK900448 | 20-Feb-2023 |
2023_02_2 | A2DK900499 | A2DK900477 | 13-Mar-2023 |
5. Transport request ATTP 3.2
The transport request A3DK900136 includes the release notes RN_2023_02 for ATTP 3.2 with following list of implemented notes.
Note: The transport request A3DK900077 (RN_2023_01) is a prerequisite for the import
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2023_02_1 | A3DK900105 | A3DK900077 | 20-Feb-2023 |
2023_02_2 | A3DK900116 | A3DK900105 | 13-Mar-2023 |