Kazakhstan CEDM Release 2024_04
Document History
Version | Changes | Effective Date |
1.0 | First approved version 3Keys Kazakhstan CEDM Add-On release 2024_04 | 01-Nov-2024 |
1. Overview
This document describes changes in the 3Keys Kazakhstan CEDM connector ABAP part.
2. Notes
Note | Description | Category |
Corrections for 3Keys Kazakhstan CEDM Connector after migration to ATTP 3.4. New BC Set /K3TKZ/CUST_OMS_3_4 Short Text: 3Keys Kazakhstan CEDM Add-On 3.4 created including all customizing settings. Software Component K3TKZ3 3Keys Kazakhstan CEDM Add-On Release changed to 304. This note is a part of software installation file SAPK-304COINK3TKZ3. | New feature | |
After implementing Kazakhstan CEDM Release 2024_03 runtime error occurs on execution program /K3TKZ/EDO_RESPONSE in case no document exists for response processing. The reason is ABAP code error. | Error | |
According to the CEDM API changes from July 2024 new restriction maximum object number 5000 is implemented for API methods create-doc and info-km. Notification splitting by object number is implemented for all notifications except aggregation. Default splitting object number is 5000 for all notification types. New 3Keys parameters (transaction /K3TKZ/EDO_PARAM) implemented to change default value if required:
In some cases error “No input data for selection from archive” occurs on retrigger rule Z3KKZ_EDO_CHANGE_HRY. The error reason is ABAP code error. | New feature, error | |
CEDM report “Import from 3rd countries” (doc type 0003) changed:
New conditions implemented to run reporting rule for Act of acceptance or Act of acceptance Single Distributor based on Sold-To destination:
To use new conditions it is required to activate BC Set /K3TKZ/CUST_EDO_3_X_2024_04_04 and maintain new conditions manually via transaction /K3TKZ/EDO_CONF node “Rule Configuration” column “Customer condition” for relevant rule types. New HTTP header parameter “3kdocguid” implemented to simplify CEDM log analysis. Parameter contains ATTP message item guid from table /K3TKZ/EDO_ITM field GUID. In some cases CEDM API method getDataForSign returns response code 200 and response body “null”. Sending process is stopped due to signature processing error. Sending logic corrected to stop sending process in this scenario and continue with next dispatcher run. Support of inbound document processing implemented:
| New feature | |
Price value 0 is allowed for the CEDM messages. The message processing will be stopped in status 05-Missing data and waiting manual user input in case price cannot be determined. New GTIN attributes for price per CEDM message type.
The system will determine price from the default GTIN attribute “ZKZ_PRICE” if GTIN attributes for price per CEDM message type is not maintained. | New feature | |
CEDM report “Import from EAEU” (doc type 0002) changed:
Transaction /K3TKZ/EDO_MONITOR changed:
Transaction /K3TKZ/EDO_CHANGE updated with new function to delete Draft from CEDM with specified Configuration ID, RFC connection name (API service name is expected), Document ID | New feature |
3. Transport request for ATTP 3.0
The transport request A1DK900779 includes the release notes RN_2024_04 for ATTP 3.0 with following list of implemented notes.
Note: The transport request A1DK900725 (RN_2024_03) is a prerequisite for the import
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2024_04_1 | N/A |
2024_04_2 | A1DK900731 | A1DK900725 | 02-Aug-2024 |
2024_04_3 | A1DK900737 | A1DK900731 | 09-Aug-2024 |
2024_04_4 | A1DK900745 | A1DK900737 | 24-Sep-2024 |
2024_04_5 | A1DK900753 | A1DK900745 | 15-Oct-2024 |
2024_04_6 | A1DK900759 | A1DK900753 | 22-Oct-2024 |
4. Transport request for ATTP 3.1
The transport request A2DK900889 includes the release notes RN_2024_04 for ATTP 3.1 with following list of implemented notes.
Note: The transport request A2DK900821 (RN_2024_03) is a prerequisite for the import
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2024_04_1 | N/A |
2024_04_2 | A2DK900827 | A2DK900821 | 02-Aug-2024 |
2024_04_3 | A2DK900835 | A2DK900827 | 09-Aug-2024 |
2024_04_4 | A2DK900852 | A2DK900835 | 24-Sep-2024 |
2024_04_5 | A2DK900865 | A2DK900852 | 15-Oct-2024 |
2024_04_6 | A2DK900869 | A2DK900865 | 22-Oct-2024 |
5. Transport request for ATTP 3.2
The transport request A3DK900446 includes the release notes RN_2024_04 for ATTP 3.2 with following list of implemented notes.
Note: The transport request A3DK900394 (RN_2024_03) is a prerequisite for the import
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2024_04_1 | N/A |
2024_04_2 | A3DK900400 | A3DK900394 | 02-Aug-2024 |
2024_04_3 | A3DK900404 | A3DK900400 | 09-Aug-2024 |
2024_04_4 | A3DK900414 | A3DK900404 | 24-Sep-2024 |
2024_04_5 | A3DK900426 | A3DK900414 | 15-Oct-2024 |
2024_04_6 | A3DK900430 | A3DK900426 | 22-Oct-2024 |
6. Transport request for ATTP 3.3
The transport request A4DK900499 includes the release notes RN_2024_04 for ATTP 3.3 with following list of implemented notes.
Note: The transport request A4DK900332 (RN_2024_03) is a prerequisite for the import
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2024_04_1 | N/A |
2024_04_2 | A4DK900348 | A4DK900332 | 02-Aug-2024 |
2024_04_3 | A4DK900362 | A4DK900348 | 09-Aug-2024 |
2024_04_4 | A4DK900446 | A4DK900362 | 24-Sep-2024 |
2024_04_5 | A4DK900478 | A4DK900446 | 15-Oct-2024 |
2024_04_6 | A4DK900490 | A4DK900478 | 22-Oct-2024 |
7. Support package for ATTP 3.4
The support package SAPK-30444INK3TKZ3 includes the release notes RN_2024_04 for ATTP 3.4 with following list of implemented notes. Import support package with transaction SPAM.
Note: The build 304 (SAPK-304COINK3TKZ3) is a prerequisite for the import
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2024_04_1 | software delivery SAPK-304COINK3TKZ3 |
| 11-Sep-2024 |
2024_04_2 | software delivery SAPK-304COINK3TKZ3 |
| 11-Sep-2024 |
2024_04_3 | software delivery SAPK-304COINK3TKZ3 |
| 11-Sep-2024 |
2024_04_4 | A5DK900031 | software delivery SAPK-304COINK3TKZ3 | 24-Sep-2024 |
2024_04_5 | A5DK900049 | A5DK900031 | 15-Oct-2024 |
2024_04_6 | A5DK900055 | A5DK900049 | 22-Oct-2024 |