Kazakhstan MPT Release 2023_01
Document History
Version | Changes | Effective Date |
1.0 | First approved version 3Keys Kazakhstan MPT Add-On release 2023_01 | 01-Feb-2023 |
1. Overview
This document describes changes in the 3Keys Kazakhstan MPT connector ABAP part.
2. Notes
Note | Description | Category |
New BC Set /K3TKZ/CUST_MPT_3_2 Short Text: 3Keys Kazakhstan MPT Add-On 3.2 created. Software Component K3TKZ2 3Keys Kazakhstan MPT Add-On Release changed to 302 | New feature | |
Runtime error occurs on sending notification to MPT in case IMPORT notification contains field DecisionDateTime with Datetime value in future. Response contains code 400 with the following JSON: {“code”:400,”description”:”ru.crpt.trueapi.exception.document…<JSON part deleted>”} This JSON can not be saved to DB field error_text due to its length. Additional logic is implemented to trim error_text value before save to database. If value length is more than 1300 characters first 1297 characters + “…” will be saved. Implementation error Function “Navigate to reporting event” works incorrectly at transaction /K3TKZ/DOC_MONITOR. Transaction /STTP/COCKPIT is opened without related reporting event opening due to ABAP code error. Implementation error Import 3rd country message created incorrectly. The attribute itemNumber value of node <product> contains incorrect value different from declaration item number. New event attribute ZR_KZ_DECL_POS created to use as attribute itemNumber value. New attribute is mandatory and empty value is not allowed. In case event has no ZR_KZ_DECL_POS property message will stop with status 05-Missing Data. Popup screen for “Missing data“ enhanced to include new field “Reg.Doc Item Number”. Single value for all product lines is expected. New feature Missed event attributes ZR_KZ_DECL_POS, ZR_KZ_IMPORTER_ID, ZR_KZ_IMPORTER_NAME, ZR_KZ_OPER_TYPE, ZR_KZ_PARTIC_ID, ZR_KZ_PARTIC_NAME added into transformation /K3TKZ/EPCIS_SAPEXT. Implementation error Notification field mapping corrected for all notification types to process Participant ID and Participant Name (exact field name depends on notification type) fields with the following logic:
New feature | New feature, Error | |
Act of acceptance message created incorrectly in case Missing data function used via transaction /K3TKZ/DOC_MONITOR. The attribute operationType value of node <document> contains incorrect value with leading spaces. Import from 3rd countries mapping logic corrected. The attribute originCountry default value ‘RU’ of node <product> deleted - GTIN attribute 'GTIN_ORIGIN' is expected. Function “Navigate to reporting event” works incorrectly at transaction /K3TKZ/DOC_MONITOR for ATTP system version 3.2. Transaction /STTP/COCKPIT is opened without related reporting event opening due to ABAP code error. | Error |
3. Transport request ATTP 3.0
The transport request A1DK900428 includes the release notes RN_2023_01 for ATTP 3.0 with following list of implemented notes.
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2023_01_1 | N/A |
2023_01_2 | A1DK900416 | SAPK-300COINK3TKZ2 | 14-Dec-2022 |
2023_01_3 | A1DK900420 | A1DK900416 | 29-Dec-2022 |
4. Transport request ATTP 3.1
The transport request A2DK900452 includes the release notes RN_2023_01 for ATTP 3.1 with following list of implemented notes.
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2023_01_1 | N/A |
2023_01_2 | A2DK900401 | A2DK900353 | 14-Dec-2022 |
2023_01_3 | A2DK900416 | A2DK900401 | 29-Dec-2022 |
5. Transport request ATTP 3.2
The transport request A3DK900081 includes the release notes RN_2023_01 for ATTP 3.2 with following list of implemented notes.
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2023_01_1 | A3DK900050 or SAPK-302COINK3TKZ2 | ATTP 3.2, Kazakhstan MPT Release 2022_04 | 08-Dec-2022 |
2023_01_2 | A3DK900052 | A3DK900050 | 14-Dec-2022 |
2023_01_3 | A3DK900054 | A3DK900052 | 29-Dec-2022 |