Kazakhstan MPT Release 2022_04
Document History
Version | Changes | Effective Date |
1.0 | First approved version 3Keys Kazakhstan MPT Add-On release 2022_04 | 01-Nov-2022 |
1. Overview
This document describes changes in the 3Keys Kazakhstan MPT connector ABAP part.
2. Notes
Note | Description | Category |
New function attribute mapping implemented to fill notification fields from customizing. Transaction /K3TKZ/ATTR_MAP - Reporting attributes mapping allows specify notification fields (participant tax code fields) to be filled from source or destination fields of the EPCIS event or business transaction. New transactions created /K3TKZ/ATTR_MAP - Reporting attributes mapping, /K3TKZ/MPT_DISP - Send reports to MPT system, /K3TKZ/MPT_DOC_IN - Process inbound documents from MPT, /K3TKZ/MPT_RESPONSE - Get response from MPT system. New function “Maintain missing data“ added to the transaction /K3TKZ/DOC_MONITOR and protected by authorization object /K3TKZ/001 field /K3TKZ/DAC value 10. Notification mapping processing logic is changed for all MPT reporting notifications:
In some scenarios runtime error on execution program /K3TKZ/MPT_RESPONSE occurs. This happens when notification is sent to MPT successfully but MPT system return response “{ "results": [ ], "total": 0 }” for notification ID. After correction program /K3TKZ/MPT_RESPONSE increase error counter field at notification item by 1 each time response “{ "results": [ ], "total": 0 }” is received on program execution. Function “Cancel” works incorrectly at transaction /K3TKZ/DOC_MONITOR. Reporting event status is not changed and AIF message status is not changed. After correction reporting event status is changed to “5-Error acknowledged“ and AIF message status is changed to “Cancel“. | New feature, Error | |
New transaction /K3TKZ/MPT_API_SAAS implemented to configure MPT Connector SAAS part. Available actions:
For each action authority check is performed with authorisation object /K3TKZ/001 field /K3TKZ/DAC values 53-Display Certificate, 54-Upload Certificate, 55-Upload Configuration. New transaction /K3TKZ/MPT_API_TEST implemented to test MPT API. Available actions:
For each action authority check is performed with authorisation object /K3TKZ/001 field /K3TKZ/DAC values 53-Display Certificate, 56-Call API, 57-Health Check. New transaction /K3TKZ/MPT_API_LOG implemented to display MPT API Audit Log. Authority check is performed on transaction run with authorisation object /K3TKZ/001 field /K3TKZ/DAC value 58-Display MPT API Log. Transaction has selection screen to search specific entries at MPT API Audit Log database table. To restrict log selection log attributes can be specified. Result data display with ALV grid. Due to technical reasons value of fields REQUEST, RESPONSE, PATH is shortened on display to get detail information double click is supported. To get full list export file option is available. | New feature |
3. Transport request ATTP 3.1
The transport request A2DK900353 includes the release notes RN_2022_04 for ATTP 3.1 with following list of implemented notes.
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2022_04_1 | A2DK900345 | A2DK900303 | 17-Oct-2022 |
2022_04_2 | A2DK900351 | A2DK900345 | 20-Oct-2022 |