Document History
Version | Changes | Effective Date |
1.0 | First approved version 3Keys CRPT Connector Add-On release 3.0 | 01-Jul-2021 |
1. About This Guide
This document describes configuration steps that are required, or are optionally possible, to configure 3Keys CRPT Connector ISMT in SAP ATTP system.
2. Solution overview
SAP ATTP delivers a solution to generate the reporting messages for Russian ISMT system. The 3Keys CRPT Connector ISMT automate the communication and message transfer to Russian ISMT system, visualize the message processing status with monitoring transaction, download and process the electronical document and receipts in ATTP
2.1 Solution scope
In 3Keys CRPT Connector ISMT, the following notifications are supported:
Rule | Notification |
Z3K_ISMT_APPL_CANC | Writing off applied ICs with IM - Applied Cancellation (LK_APPLIED_KM_CANCELLATION) |
Z3K_ISMT_CONTR_COMM | Introduction into circulation. Contract manufacturing in the Russian Federation (LK_CONTRACT_COMMISSIONING) |
Z3K_ISMT_DEC | Withdrawal from circulation – Decomissioning (LK_RECEIPT) |
Z3K_ISMT_INTR_GDS | Introduction into circulation. Manufacturing in the Russian Federation - Introduce Goods (LP_INTRODUCE_GOODS) |
The list of supported rule types (notifications) is planned to be enhanced in future 3Keys CRPT Connector ISMT releases. Also, you can enhance supported notification by adding custom rule types (See enhancement section).
3. Constraints, Assumptions, Prerequisites and Dependencies
The Russian reporting part for ISMT is configured in SAP ATTP.
4. Setting up the Solution
4.1 Connection to Java part
The connector Java part as SaaS solution supports HTTPS communication using web services.
The Root CA certificate of the certificate which is used to secure the connection from ATTP or middleware system to connector Java part, should be added to the SSL client (Anonymous) in the transaction STRUST.
The corporate firewall, proxy, gateway, etc. should allow outbound HTTPS connection from ATTP or middleware system to the Connector Java part.
4.1.1 Prerequisites
For setting up an online integration to a Russian reporting system via CRPT connector Java part, do the following:
· Create an HTTP Destination to CRPT connector.
· Create a System (master data).
· Maintain settings.
4.1.2 Create an HTTP Destination to CRPT connector
To create an HTTP connection to the external server, do the following:
· Call transaction SM59
· Create a new destination as follows:RFC Destination: Maintain a name for the destination (for example GISMT)
o Connection Type: G – HTTP Connection to External Server
o Description: Maintain a description for the destination (for example GIS MT via CRPT connector)
· On the tab Technical Settings, maintain the URL in the fields Target Host, Service No. and Path Prefix.
o For example, the URL: https://[URL provided by 3Keys support]/gismt/api results into:
§ Target Host: [URL provided by 3Keys support]
§ Service No.: 443
§ Path Prefix: /gismt/api
· Set the HTTP Proxy Options as required in your organizations network
· On tab Logon & Security, do the following:
o Basic Authentication: true
o Input User and password for CRPT Connector
o Do Not Send Logon Ticket: true
o SSL: active, Anonymous
· On the tab Special Options, do the following:
o HTTP Version: HTTP 1.1
o Compression: Inactive
o Compressed Response: Yes
o Accept Cookies: No
· Save the destination.
· Click on Connection Test to test the created destination. If the connector and reporting system is reachable and the destination is set up correctly, the test result shows that the HTTP response value is 200 and Text is OK.
4.1.3 Create a system
To create a system, do the following:
Call transaction /STTP/COCKPIT
Navigate to
Master Data > Systems and then Choose Display/Edit.
Create. A popup is displayed.
In the popup, define a system name and use following parameters:
a. System name (for example GISMT)
b. System Type: D - Domestic
c. System Group: <EMPTY>
d. Communication Type: 0 – Not Specified
e. RFC Destination: Maintain the destination name created in SM59
4.1.4 Technical user and authorization role
One technical user shall be created in ATTP and have authorization to execute web service calls. The authorization to post events is needed if inbound electronic document processing shall generate objects or post events in ATTP.
4.1.5 Maintain service paths
Check and, if needed, maintain the service paths in the view /STTP/V_RSRVPATH via transaction SM30. Industry FS is default industry for methods, correct product group depends on industry and added before True API request execution
Industry Identifier | RU System | RU System Revision | REST Operation | REST Path |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_CISES_AGG_LIST | /cises/aggregated/list |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_CISES_INFO | /cises/info |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_CIS_INFO | /cises/list |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_DOCUMENTS | /doc/listV2 |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_DOCUMENT_INFO | /documents/{document_id}/info |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_RECEIPT_INFO | /receipt/{receiptId}/info |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_RECEIPT_LIST | /receipt/listV2 |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_UTD_INFO | /documents/edo/tpr/ud |
4.2 Event additional properties
The following is a list of expected event properties to compose the notification message. The notification raise error in case the mandatory event properties is not available on the event.
Property names with prefix ZRU_ could be redefined via transaction /K3TMT/PARAM.
Applied Cancellation
Property | Description | Mandatory? |
ZRU_VSD | VSD Certificate | N |
ZRU_CANC_DOC_DATE | Cancellation document date | Y |
ZRU_CANC_DOC_NUMBER | Cancellation document number | Y |
ZRU_CANC_REASON | Cancellation reason | Y |
ZRU_TRADE_PARTIC_INN | Trade participant tax number | Y |
Contract commissioning
Property | Description | Mandatory? |
ZRU_VSD | VSD Certificate | N |
ZRU_PRODUCER_INN | Producer tax number | N |
ZRU_OWNER_INN | Owner tax number | N |
RR_RU_TNVED_CODE | A 10-digit FEACN code | Y |
RR_RU_CERT_DOC_DATE | Certificat document date | N |
RR_RU_CERT_DOC_NUM | Certificate document number | N |
RR_RU_CERT_DOCUMENT | Certificate document | N |
Property | Description | Mandatory? |
RR_RU_ACTION | Type of decommissioning. Possible values: RETAIL – Retail, EEC_EXPORT – Export to EAEU countries, BEYOND_EEC_EXPORT – Export outside the EAEU countries, RETURN – Return to individual, REMOTE_SALE – Sample sales, remote selling method, DAMAGE_LOSS – Loss or damage, DESTRUCTION – Destruction, CONFISCATION – Confiscation, LIQUIDATION – Liquidation of an enterprise, ENTERPRISE_USE – Use for the company’s own needs | Y |
RR_RU_ACTION_DATE | Date of decommissioning. (timestamp format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.000Z) | Y |
RR_RU_DOC_TYPE | Document type. Depends on selected document action: Retail: RECEIPT SALES_RECEIPT OTHER – other type provided via attribute RR_RU_PRM_DOC_CUS_NM BEYOUND_EEC_EXPORT: CUSTOMS_DECLARATION EEC_EXPORT: CONSIGNMENT_NOTE UTD OTHER – other type provided via attribute RR_RU_PRM_DOC_CUS_NM RETURN: OTHER – other type provided via attribute RR_RU_PRM_DOC_CUS_NM REMOTE_SALE: RECEIPT SALES_RECEIPT CONSIGNMENT_NOTE UTD OTHER – other type provided via attribute RR_RU_PRM_DOC_CUS_NM DAMAGE_LOSS: DESTRUCTION_ACT OTHER – other type provided via attribute RR_RU_PRM_DOC_CUS_NM DESTRUCTION: DESTRUCTION OTHER – other type provided via attribute RR_RU_PRM_DOC_CUS_NM CONFISCATION: CONSIGNMENT_NOTE UTD OTHER – other type provided via attribute RR_RU_PRM_DOC_CUS_NM LIQUIDATION: CONSIGNMENT_NOTE UTD OTHER – other type provided via attribute RR_RU_PRM_DOC_CUS_NM ENTERPRISE_USE: DESTRUCTION_ACT OTHER – other type provided via attribute RR_RU_PRM_DOC_CUS_NM |
RR_RU_DOC_NUM | Document number | Y |
RR_RU_DOC_DATE | Document date. (timestamp format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.000Z ) | Y |
RR_RU_COST | Product Cost | Y |
RR_RU_KKT_NUMBER | Control cash register number | N |
RR_RU_PRM_DOC_TYPE | Primary document type | N |
RR_RU_PRM_DOC_DATE | Primary document date | N |
RR_RU_PRM_DOC_NUM | Primary document number | N |
| Primary document custom name. Mandatory in case for the event additional extension attribute RR_RU_DOC_TYPE the value ‘OTHER’ is provided. | N |
Introduce Goods
Property | Description | Mandatory? |
ZRU_VSD | VSD Certificate | N |
RR_RU_TNVED_CODE | A 10-digit FEACN code (from GTIN properties) | Y |
RR_RU_CERT_DOC_DATE | Certificate document date | N |
RR_RU_CERT_DOC_NUM | Certificate document number | N |
RR_RU_CERT_DOCUMENT | Certificate document | N |
Property | Description | Mandatory? |
RR_RU_AGGREGATION_TYPE | Aggregation type. Default value: AGGREGATION | Y |
4.3 Customizing the solution
In general, customizing is performed with following transactions:
4.3.1 General Customizing
The transaction /K3TMT/PARAM contains parameters to influence the 3Keys CRPT connector ISMT. The settings will require a customizing transport. The view /K3TMT/V_PARAM can be used with transaction SM30 for changes without customizing transport
Name | Description, Values |
/K3TMT/FM_POPUP_MSG_CONTENT | Function module name to display quantity data in transaction /K3TMT/REP_MONITOR |
/K3TMT/FM_READ_MSG_CONTENT | Function module name to read quantity data displayed in transaction /K3TMT/REP_MONITOR |
/K3TMT/MON_CHANGE_DOC_INACTIVE | Deactivate Change Log functionality X – deactivate |
/K3TMT/OMS_STATUS_CHECK_DELAY | Delay in seconds before first ISMT status check after sending usage report to OMS system Example 300 |
/K3TMT/RCP_INB_DELAY | Wait up to XX seconds to be able debug receipt AIF processing Example: 30 |
/K3TMT/REP_MON_HDR_AREA | Set header area size for transaction /K3TMT/REP_MONITOR |
/K3TMT/UD_INB_DELAY | Wait up to XX seconds to be able debug universal document AIF processing Example: 30 |
ISMT_SYSTEM | System name at master data for online integration Example: GISMT |
MON_NAVIG_ACTIVE | Navigation to ATTP Cockpit is active for transaction /K3TMT/REP_MONITOR X - active |
PRP_NAME_CANC_DOC_DATE | Event additional property name for cancellation document date (used at report data mapping) Example: ZRU_CANC_DOC_DATE |
PRP_NAME_CANC_DOC_NUM | Event additional property name for cancellation document number (used at report data mapping) Example: ZRU_CANC_DOC_NUM |
PRP_NAME_CANC_REASON | Event additional property name for cancellation reason (used at report data mapping) Example: ZRU_CANC_REASON |
PRP_NAME_OWNER_INN | Event additional property name for owner tax number (used at report data mapping) Example: ZRU_OWNER_INN |
PRP_NAME_PRODUCER_INN | Event additional property name for producer tax number (used at report data mapping) Example: ZRU_PRODUCER_INN |
PRP_NAME_TRADE_PARTIC_INN | Event additional property name for trade participant tax number (used at report data mapping) Example: ZRU_TRADE_PARTIC_INN |
PRP_NAME_VSD_CERTIFICATE | Event additional property name for VSD certificate (used at report data mapping) Example: ZRU_VSD_CERTIFICATE |
UD_IND_DELIMITER | Industry delimiter to be displayed at transaction /K3TMT/UD_MONITOR Example: / |
Following the recommended minimum set of parameters
Name | Value |
4.3.2 Customizing for Reports Relevant industry
Maintain relevant industry in the transaction /K3TMT/CUST under “Relevant industry”.
These settings are also used for assignment of customer specific industries to product groups
Field | Description, Values |
Industry | Industry relevant for connector operations |
Product group | Product group at ISMT system |
Text | Free text used to describe industry |
This mapping will be used to identify correct product group on execution True API request.
Industry | Product group | Text |
FS | lp | Clothing items, bed, table, bath and kitchen linens |
TR | tires | New pneumatic rubber tires and tire casings |
ZM | milk | Dairy products | Document type description
Maintain document type description in the transaction /K3TMT/CUST under “Document Type”
Field | Description, Values |
Doc Type | Internal document type (values are predefined). Example:
Document Type Description | Text to be displayed at Report Monitor for document type |
ISMT Document Type | TRUE API document type | Mapping attributes
Mapping attributes in the transaction /K3TMT/CUST under “Mapping attributes” contains attributes for each report used on notification creation. 3Keys CRPT connector ISMT already contains predefined mapping attributes for delivered rule types:
Field | Description, Values |
Rule Type | Rule execution type |
Notification Type | Notification type |
NS | AIF namespace. Value is common for 3Keys CRPT connector: /STTC3 |
Interface | AIF interface. Unique for each rule type, example: ZR_ISMT_15 |
Version | AIF interface version. 3Keys CRPT connector value: 1 |
Raw Data Structure | AIF request/response structure for notification data Example: /K3TMT/S_APPL_KM_CANC_MSG |
SAP Data Structure | SAP structure for notification data Example: /K3TMT/S_APPL_KM_CANC_MSG |
ISMT Document Type | Internal document type Example: 15 |
ObjectTypeName | Execution class to collect notification data Example: /K3TMT/CL_3K_RULE_MAPPING |
Mapper class | Mapper class to fill notification with data Example: /K3TMT/CL_APPL_CANC_MAPPER |
Event Type | Event type triggering reporting Example: 1 Object event |
Event Action | Event action triggering reporting Example: ADD Add/Create |
Notif Action ID | Notification action ID to determine object status by SAP ATTP standard (replaced with Proc valid status field) Example: IS_MT-ApplCanc |
Proc object type | Object types to be included into notification Example: 3 sgtin_sscc_det |
Proc valid status | Object status to be included into notification Example: 2 active (active+read-only+disposition active/in_transit/returned/081) |
Notif Part name | Notification part name on file uploading (not used) Example: IS_MT-ApplCanc |
Max. No.of Obj/Not | Maximum object number at 1 notification part Example: 30000 |
Participant Fieldname | Field name for tax number determination |
Description | Free text for description | Product Group
Product group in the transaction /K3TMT/CUST under “Product group” contains possible values for product groups at ISMT system. 3Keys CRPT connector ISMT already contains product groups, maintain additional values in case new product group added:
Field | Description, Values |
Product group | Product group from True API documentation Example: shoes |
Text | Description (used at search help) Example: Shoes |
1.1 Rule processing
The common rule processing scheme: