User Guide Kazakhstan OMS Connector

Document History



Effective Date


First approved version

3Keys Kazakhstan OMS Connector Add-On release 3.1



Release RN_2023_02



1.    About This Guide

This document describes User transactions in 3Keys Kazakhstan connector OMS in SAP ATTP system.

2.    Solution overview

The 3Keys Kazakhstan Add-On OMS provides the solution to generate OMS message content, automate the communication and message transfer to Kazakhstan OMS system, visualize the message processing status with SAP ATTP transaction.

3.    SAP ATTP cockpit transaction /STTP/COCKPIT

The SAP Advanced Track & Trace for Pharma: Data cockpit transaction /STTP/COCKPIT is used for the monitoring of Kazakhstan reporting (Includes BR_CRYPTO_COMM report and aggregation report) to OMS.

After executing transaction /STTP/COCKPIT, the screen will be displayed with following selection parameters:

Tree subscreen (left part of main screen)

  • Master Data folder

    • Business Partners

    • Locations

    • Trade Items

    • Systems

  • Serial No Management folder

    • Range Definitions

    • Ranges

    • Range Requests

    • Serial Numbers

  • Repository Browser folder

    • Lots

    • Serialized Trade Items

    • Serialized Containers

    • Events

    • Reporting events: reporting events to country regulator systems

    • Business Transactions

    • Authentification Requests

Reporting events node is relevant for Kazakhstan OMS reporting (highlighted) .

After double click on Reporting event node, the screen will be displayed with following selection parameters:

Reporting Event Selection

  • Rule Type: rule type triggered for reporting (BR_CRYPTO_COMM, Z3KKZ_OMS_AGGR)

  • Creation Date From: reporting event creation date

  • Creation Date To: reporting event creation date

  • Maximum hits: maximum entries for reporting event selection

After executing the search, the Reporting Events subscreen will be displayed containing reporting events relevant as for Kazakhstan OMS reporting based on the search criteria as for other countries reporting. It is necessary to add ALV filter for column Country/Region group with value “KZ“ to hide unnecessary entries from selection.

The Reporting Events subscreen has two parts. On the top of the screen the reporting event list is shown, as ALV grid output. On the lower part the reporting event details related to the header displayed after double click on the header row.

The message header has following fields (some of the fields hidden and can be displayed by changing ALV Grid layout):

  • Created on: Reporting event creation date

  • Rule Type: Rule triggered based on this rule type from rule configuration

  • Reporting Notification Type: Notification type text (notification types RR_CC, Z3KKZ_AG are relevant for KZ OMS reporting)

  • Status Reporting Event: Report event status

  • Response Status: Response status received from OMS system (hidden by default)

  • Waiting for Batch Release: Send reporting event after batch is released

  • Waiting for User Approval: This reporting notification is waiting for user approval due to KZ OMS sequence check

  • Approved by

  • Approved Time

  • Sent Time

  • Country/Region group 

The header row shall be selected via Edit mode to execute one of the following buttons on top of the screen (some of the buttons hidden, depends on user authorization role and parameters):

  • ALV Grid standard buttons to filter, to sort, to search displayed data, changing layout, printing

  • Related Events: navigate to event entity related to selected reporting event

  • Message AIF: navigate to /AIF/ERR transaction with reporting event details from AIF (if message has not been sent AIF log contains error details)

  • Message File

    • Display Message JSON: display JSON file from AIF send to OMS

    • Download Message JSON: download JSON file from AIF send to OMS to user PC

    • Display Response JSON: display JSON response file from AIF send to OMS (for error status only)

    • Download Response JSON: download JSON response file from AIF send to OMS (for error status only)

  • User Approval

    • Approve: Approve reporting event to send with background job

    • Approve and Send: Approve reporting event and send immediately

  • Resend: Send reporting event again

  • Acknowledge Error: Confirm error and delete reporting event from sequence check 

The reporting event details section has several tabs with reporting event detail information

3.1.    Reporting event status

The reporting event status defined allowed actions for the reporting event in 3Keys Kazakhstan Connector OMS:

  • 1 - Sent: OK: Reporting event has been sent to OMS system successfully

  • 2 - Not Sent: Waiting: Reporting event was not sent due to OMS sequence check

  • 3 - Not Sent: System Error: Reporting event contains errors and could not be sent

  • 4 - Sent: Application Error: Reporting event has received error on sending

  • 6 - Not Sent: Mapping Error: Reporting event contains errors and could not be sent (AIF contains details)

3.2.    Reporting event Response status

The reporting event response status defined result of the reporting event received from OMS system:

  • <EMPTY_VALUE>: Status has not been received yet

  • OM04 - REJECTED: Report rejected: Reporting event has been rejected by OMS system (AIF contains details at block Data Structure >> Status Response Tab >> Error reason column

  • OM07 - PROCESSED: Report Has Been Processed (OMS): Reporting event has been successfully processed by OMS system. Crypto codes status changes to confirm and aggregation event is deleted from OMS sequence queue.

4.    Get Aggregation information from OMS system transaction /K3TKZ/OMS_AGGR_INFO

The Request Serial Number information transaction /K3TKZ/OMS_AGGR_INFO is used to request information for serial number from OMS (using True API method through 3Keys Kazakhstan connector OMS).

After executing transaction /K3TKZ/OMS_AGGR_INFO, the screen will be displayed with following selection parameters:

  • Radio button Read from ATT system

  • Radio button Use from Selection screen

  • Unique OMS Identifier: OMS Identifier where aggregation have been sent

  • Industry Identifier: Industry for reading request path to send request to OMS system

  • GS1 Global Trade Item Number:

  • Object Code (EPC): SGTINs or SSCC can be entered, example 010048123456712321mtDQ5vlaqxzqR

  • ALV grid: Display ALV grid with object data from JSON response

  • Display as JSON: Display response from OMS system

  • Full hierarchy (ALV grid only): repeat aggregation request multiple times to get full hierarchy

After executing the transaction, JSON file will be displayed or error message in case True API request failed with error

If ALV grid output is selected program displays multiple line with additional columns hierarchy level and parent.

5.    Send reports to OMS transaction /K3TKZ/OMS_DISP (program /K3TKZ/OMS_DISPATCHER)

The transaction /K3TKZ/OMS_DISP (program /K3TKZ/OMS_DISPATCHER) selects OMS aggregation reports with status “2 - Not Sent: Waiting”, checks the OMS message sequence and sends the report to OMS system.

The protection against parallel running is implemented and only 1 instance of the program can be executed in the same time to avoid the sending the same OMS message multiple times.

The Application Log with the results of the program execution can be displayed with transaction SLG1 and following parameters:

  • Object: /STTP/

  • Subobject: DM

  • External number: /K3TKZ/OMS_SEND.

After executing the transaction /K3TKZ/OMS_DISP (program /K3TKZ/OMS_DISPATCHER), the screen will be displayed with following selection parameters:

  • Event internal ID: reporting event ID for manual run (optional)

  • Checkbox OMS Aggregation report: process reporting event rule type Z3KKZ_OMS_AGGR

Following reporting event fields will be updated in case the reporting message sucessfuly sent to OMS:

  • Status: new value “1 - Sent: OK”

  • External reference ID: new value GUID received from OMS system

The program /K3TKZ/OMS_DISPATCHER is recommended to run as periodical background job.

6.    Get Confirmation Report Status transaction /STTP/SNR_CRYPTO_CST

The program /STTP/SNR_CRYPTO_GET_CONF_STAT is used to receive report status from OMS system for commissioning and aggregation reports with status “1 - Sent: OK” and non-empty field “External reference ID”.

After executing program the screen will be displayed with following selection parameters:

  • Rule type: reporting event rule type, example BR_CRYPTO_COMM / Z3KKZ_OMS_AGGR

  • Reporting event Creation Time block

    • Buttons for quick date time input (Today, Last 2 Weeks, Current Month, Current Year, All)

    • Created on Date

    • Create on Time

  • Created by: username reporting event was created by

  • Log level: Log detalization level

After executing the transaction, for each selected reporting event program receive status from OMS system. If status is “SENT”:

  • Reporting event field Response is filled with value “PROCESSED”

  • Confirm crypto codes for commissioning reporting event

  • Delete reporting event from queue (table /K3TKZ/REP_QUEUE).

After execution program creates new SLG1 log entry object /STTP/ subject SNR external number /STTP/SNR_CRYPTO_GET_CONF_STAT.

7.    Get Software version information transaction /K3TKZ/OMS_SW

The Software version information transaction /K3TKZ/OMS_SW is used to get information about installed Notes and Release of 3Keys Kazakhstan OMS Connector.

After executing transaction /K3TKZ/OMS_SW program displays the ALV grid output containing installed Notes and Release of Kazakhstan OMS Connector including columns transport request and request import date.