Document History
Version | Changes | Effective Date |
1.0 | First approved version 3Keys CRPT Connector Add-On release 3.0 | 01-Jul-2021 |
2.0 | Updated with RN 2024_02 | 01-May-2024 |
Table of Contents |
1. About This Guide
In 3Keys CRPT Connector ISMT, the following notifications are supported:
Rule | Notification |
Z3K_ISMT_APPL_CANC | Writing off applied ICs with IM - Applied Cancellation (LK_APPLIED_KM_CANCELLATION) |
Z3K_ISMT_CONTR_COMM | Introduction into circulation. Contract manufacturing in the Russian Federation (LK_CONTRACT_COMMISSIONING) |
Z3K_ISMT_DEC | Withdrawal from circulation – Decomissioning (LK_RECEIPT) |
Z3K_ISMT_INTR_GDS | Introduction into circulation. Manufacturing in the Russian Federation - Introduce Goods (LP_INTRODUCE_GOODS) |
Z3K_ISMT_FTS_INT | Introduction into Circulation. Import with FCS (LP_FTS_INTRODUCE) |
Z3K_ISMT_GTIN_REC | Withdrawal from circulation (volume and grade accounting) (LK_GTIN_RECEIPT) |
The list of supported rule types (notifications) is planned to be enhanced in future 3Keys CRPT Connector ISMT releases. Also, you can enhance supported notification by adding custom rule types (See enhancement section).
Check and, if needed, maintain the service paths in the view /STTP/V_RSRVPATH via transaction SM30. Industry FS is default industry for methods, correct product group depends on industry and added before True API request execution
Industry Identifier | RU System | RU System Revision | REST Operation | REST Path |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_CISES_AGG_LIST | /api/v3/true-api/cises/aggregated/list |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_CISES_INFO | /api/v3/true-api/cises/info |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_CIS_INFO | /api/v3/true-api/cises/list |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_DOCUMENTS | /api/v4/true-api/doc/list |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_DOCUMENT_INFO | /api/v4/true-api/doc/{docId}/info |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_RECEIPT_INFO | /api/v4/true-api/receipt/{receiptId}/info |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_RECEIPT_LIST | /api/v4/true-api/receipt/list |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_UTD_INFO | /api/v3/true-api/documents/edo/tpr/ud |
4.2. Event additional properties
Property names with prefix ZRU_ could be redefined via transaction /K3TMT/PARAM.
Applied Cancellation
Property | Description | Mandatory? |
ZRU_VSD | VSD Certificate | N |
ZRU_CANC_DOC_DATE | Cancellation document date | Y |
ZRU_CANC_DOC_NUMBER | Cancellation document number | Y |
ZRU_CANC_REASON | Cancellation reason | Y |
ZRU_TRADE_PARTIC_INN | Trade participant tax number | Y |
Contract commissioning
Property | Description | Mandatory? |
ZRU_VSD | VSD Certificate | N |
ZRU_PRODUCER_INN | Producer tax number | N |
ZRU_OWNER_INN | Owner tax number | N |
RR_RU_TNVED_CODE | A 10-digit FEACN code | Y |
RR_RU_CERT_DOC_DATE | Certificat document date | N |
RR_RU_CERT_DOC_NUM | Certificate document number | N |
RR_RU_CERT_DOCUMENT | Certificate document | N |
Property | Description | Mandatory? |
RR_RU_ACTION | Type of decommissioning. Possible values: RETAIL – Retail, EEC_EXPORT – Export to EAEU countries, BEYOND_EEC_EXPORT – Export outside the EAEU countries, RETURN – Return to individual, REMOTE_SALE – Sample sales, remote selling method, DAMAGE_LOSS – Loss or damage, DESTRUCTION – Destruction, CONFISCATION – Confiscation, LIQUIDATION – Liquidation of an enterprise, ENTERPRISE_USE – Use for the company’s own needs | Y |
RR_RU_ACTION_DATE | Date of decommissioning. (timestamp format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.000Z) | Y |
ZRU_BUYER_INN | Buyer’s INN It is mandatory if RR_RU_ACTION value is “DONATION” (“Donation”). It shall not be filled in if RR_RU_ACTION value is not equal to “OWN_USE” (“Use for own purposes”) or “PRODUCTION_USE” (“Use for production purposes”) | N |
RR_RU_DOC_TYPE | Document type. Depends on selected document action: Retail: RECEIPT SALES_RECEIPT OTHER – other type provided via attribute RR_RU_PRM_DOC_CUS_NM BEYOUND_EEC_EXPORT: CUSTOMS_DECLARATION EEC_EXPORT: CONSIGNMENT_NOTE UTD OTHER – other type provided via attribute RR_RU_PRM_DOC_CUS_NM RETURN: OTHER – other type provided via attribute RR_RU_PRM_DOC_CUS_NM REMOTE_SALE: RECEIPT SALES_RECEIPT CONSIGNMENT_NOTE UTD OTHER – other type provided via attribute RR_RU_PRM_DOC_CUS_NM DAMAGE_LOSS: DESTRUCTION_ACT OTHER – other type provided via attribute RR_RU_PRM_DOC_CUS_NM DESTRUCTION: DESTRUCTION OTHER – other type provided via attribute RR_RU_PRM_DOC_CUS_NM CONFISCATION: CONSIGNMENT_NOTE UTD OTHER – other type provided via attribute RR_RU_PRM_DOC_CUS_NM LIQUIDATION: CONSIGNMENT_NOTE UTD OTHER – other type provided via attribute RR_RU_PRM_DOC_CUS_NM ENTERPRISE_USE: DESTRUCTION_ACT OTHER – other type provided via attribute RR_RU_PRM_DOC_CUS_NM |
RR_RU_DOC_NUM | Document number | Y |
RR_RU_DOC_DATE | Document date. (timestamp format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.000Z ) | Y |
RR_RU_COST | Product Cost | Y |
RR_RU_ |
TYPE | Primary document type | N |
Primary document type
DATE | Primary document date | N |
RR_RU_PRM_DOC_NUM | Primary document number | N |
| Primary document custom name. Mandatory in case for the event additional extension attribute RR_RU_DOC_TYPE the value ‘OTHER’ is provided. | N |
RR_RU_WDRWL_REASON | Other reason It is mandatory if RR_RU_ACTION value is "OTHER" ("Other reason"). This parameter shall not be filled in if other RR_RU_ACTION values are specified | N |
ZRU_STATE_CONTR_ID | Identifier of state contract It is mandatory if RR_RU_ACTION value is: “STATE_SECRET” (“Sale in deal with a state secret”); “STATE_CONTRACT” (“Sale under a state (municipal) contract”). This parameter shall not be filled in if other RR_RU_ACTION value is specified. | N |
ZRU_CTR_DEST | Code of the destination country The parameter is filled in if RR_RU_ACTION value is “EAS_TRADE” (“Cross-border export to EEU countries”) / "EEC_EXPORT" (“Export to EEU countries”). If other reasons for withdrawal from circulation are specified, the parameter shall not be filled in. Possible values: "112" - Republic of Belarus; "417" - Kyrgyz Republic; "398" - Republic of Kazakhstan; "051" - Republic of Armenia | N |
ZRU_IMPORTER_ID | INN (or analog) of the importer The parameter is filled in if RR_RU_ACTION value is “EAS_TRADE” (“Cross-border export to EEU countries”). If other reasons for withdrawal of the goods from circulation are specified, the parameter shall not be filled in. | N |
RR_RU_AOGUID | FIAS identifier | N |
Introduce Goods
Property | Description | Mandatory? |
ZRU_VSD | VSD Certificate | N |
RR_RU_TNVED_CODE | A 10-digit FEACN code (from GTIN properties) | Y |
RR_RU_CERT_DOC_DATE | Certificate document date | N |
RR_RU_CERT_DOC_NUM | Certificate document number | N |
RR_RU_CERT_DOCUMENT | Certificate document | N |
Property | Description | Mandatory? |
RR_RU_AGGREGATION_TYPE | Aggregation type. Default value: AGGREGATION | Y |
Withdrawal from circulation (volume and grade accounting)
Property | Description | Mandatory? |
ZRU_TRADE_PARTIC_INN | INN of goods circulation participant If property is not provided tax code from Business partner assigned to GLN will be used | N |
ZRU_BUYER_INN | Buyer’s INN It is mandatory if RR_RU_ACTION value is “DONATION” (“Donation”). It shall not be filled in if RR_RU_ACTION value is not equal to “DONATION” (“Donation”), “OWN_USE” (“Use for own purposes”) or “PRODUCTION_USE” (“Use for production purposes”) | N |
RR_RU_ACTION | Withdrawal reason Possible values: “BEYOND_EEC_EXPORT” - Export outside the EEU countries “CONFISCATION” - Confiscation “DESTRUCTION” - Destruction “DONATION” - Donation “EAS_TRADE” - Cross-border export to EEU countries “EXPIRATION” - Shelf life expiration “LOSS” - Loss “OTHER” - Other “OWN_USE” - Use for internal purposes “PRODUCTION_USE” - Use for production purposes “STATE_CONTRACT” - Sale under a state (municipal) contract “STATE_SECRET” - Sale in deal constituting a state secret “UTILIZATION” - Disposal | Y |
RR_RU_WDRWL_REASON | Other reason It is mandatory if RR_RU_ACTION value is "OTHER" ("Other reason"). This parameter shall not be filled in if other RR_RU_ACTION values are specified | N |
RR_RU_ACTION_DATE | Date of withdrawal from circulation | Y |
ZRU_STATE_CONTR_ID | Identifier of state contract It is mandatory if RR_RU_ACTION value is: “STATE_SECRET” (“Sale in deal with a state secret”); “STATE_CONTRACT” (“Sale under a state (municipal) contract”) / “STATE_ENTERPRISE” (“Acquisition by a state enterprise”). This parameter shall not be filled in if other RR_RU_ACTION value is specified. | N |
RR_RU_DOC_TYPE | Type of primary document Shall not be filled in case for the event additional extension attribute RR_RU_ACTION the value from range ('STATE_SECRET', ‘STATE_CONTRACT', ‘STATE_ENTERPRISE’, ‘EAS_TRADE’, 'EEC_EXPORT’ ) is provided. Mandatory in case for the event additional extension attribute RR_RU_ACTION other value is provided Possible values: “RECEIPT” - “Register receipt”; “SALES_RECEIPT” - “Sales receipt”; “CONSIGNMENT_NOTE” - “Packing list”; “CUSTOMS_DECLARATION” - “Customs declaration”; “UTD” - “Universal transfer document”; “DESTRUCTION_ACT” - “Certificate of destruction (loss/disposal)”; “OTHER” - “Other”. | N |
RR_RU_DOC_NUM | Primary document number Mandatory in case for the event additional extension attribute RR_RU_DOC_TYPE value is provided | N |
RR_RU_DOC_DATE | Primary document date Mandatory in case for the event additional extension attribute RR_RU_DOC_TYPE value is provided | N |
RR_RU_PRM_DOC_CUS_NM | Name of primary document Mandatory in case for the event additional extension attribute RR_RU_DOC_TYPE the value ‘OTHER’ is provided. | N |
ZRU_CTR_DEST | Code of the destination country The parameter is filled in if RR_RU_ACTION value is “EAS_TRADE” (“Cross-border export to EEU countries”) / "EEC_EXPORT" (“Export to EEU countries”). If other reasons for withdrawal from circulation are specified, the parameter shall not be filled in. Possible values: "112" - Republic of Belarus; "417" - Kyrgyz Republic; "398" - Republic of Kazakhstan; "051" - Republic of Armenia | N |
ZRU_IMPORTER_ID | INN (or analog) of the importer The parameter is filled in if RR_RU_ACTION value is “EAS_TRADE” (“Cross-border export to EEU countries”) / “EEC_EXPORT” (“Export to EEU countries”). If other reasons for withdrawal of the goods from circulation are specified, the parameter shall not be filled in. | N |
RR_RU_AOGUID | FIAS identifier The parameter can be filled in only if RR_RU_ACTION value is: “CONFISCATION” — “Confiscation”; “UTILIZATION” — “Disposal”; “DESTRUCTION” — “Destruction”; “LOSS” / “DAMAGE_LOSS” — “Loss”; “OTHER” — “Other”. | N |
ZRU_GTIN_QTY | Quantity of the goods units | Y |
RR_RU_COST | Unit price The parameter is optional if if RR_RU_ACTION value is: "DONATION" ("Compensation-free transfer"); "PRODUCTION_USE" ("Use for production purposes"). If RR_RU_ACTION value has other values, the parameter shall not be filled in. If RR_RU_ACTION value is “DONATION” (“Compensation-free transfer”) and RR_RU_COST is filled in, a value “0.00” must be specified. | N |
Property | Description | Mandatory? |
ZRU_VSD | VSD Certificate | N |
RR_RU_DECL_NUM | Declaration number | Y |
RR_RU_DECL_DATE | Declaration date | Y |
RR_RU_CUSTOMS_CODE | Customs code | Y |
RR_RU_DECISION_CODE | Decision code | Y |
RR_RU_TNVED_CODE | A 10-digit FEACN code (from GTIN properties) | Y |
RR_RU_CERT_DOC_DATE | Certificate document date | N |
RR_RU_CERT_DOC_NUM | Certificate document number | N |
RR_RU_CERT_DOCUMENT | Certificate document | N |
4.3. Customizing the solution
The transaction /K3TMT/PARAM contains parameters to influence the 3Keys CRPT connector ISMT. The settings will require a customizing transport. The view /K3TMT/V_PARAM can be used with transaction SM30 for changes without customizing transport
Name | Description, Values |
/K3TMT/FM_POPUP_MSG_CONTENT | Function module name to display quantity data in transaction /K3TMT/REP_MONITOR |
/K3TMT/FM_READ_MSG_CONTENT | Function module name to read quantity data displayed in transaction /K3TMT/REP_MONITOR |
/K3TMT/MON_CHANGE_DOC_INACTIVE | Deactivate Change Log functionality X – deactivate |
/K3TMT/OMS_STATUS_CHECK_DELAY | Delay in seconds before first ISMT status check after sending usage report to OMS system Example 300 |
/K3TMT/RCP_INB_DELAY | Wait up to XX seconds to be able debug receipt AIF processing Example: 30 |
/K3TMT/REP_MON_HDR_AREA | Set header area size for transaction /K3TMT/REP_MONITOR |
/K3TMT/UD_INB_DELAY | Wait up to XX seconds to be able debug universal document AIF processing Example: 30 |
ISMT_SYSTEM | System name at master data for online integration Example: GISMT |
ITM_AGGR_CHECK_TYPE | This parameter defines how system analyzed SGTIN object is parent object for other SGTINs: 1 – GTIN attribute ZRU_AGGR_SGTIN expected with non-empty value; 2 – Check current SGTIN has child object at object hierarchy |
MON_NAVIG_ACTIVE | Navigation to ATTP Cockpit is active for transaction /K3TMT/REP_MONITOR X - active |
NTF_REGNO_FROM_PARENT | Read registration number from parent Business Partner if Business Partner contains no registration number X - active |
NTF_ALLOW_EMPTY_AGGR | Allow aggregation/disaggregation with empty parent object X - active |
PRP_NAME_CANC_DOC_DATE | Event additional property name for cancellation document date (used at report data mapping) Example: ZRU_CANC_DOC_DATE |
PRP_NAME_CANC_DOC_NUM | Event additional property name for cancellation document number (used at report data mapping) Example: ZRU_CANC_DOC_NUM |
PRP_NAME_CANC_REASON | Event additional property name for cancellation reason (used at report data mapping) Example: ZRU_CANC_REASON |
PRP_NAME_CERT_DOCUMENT | Event additional property name for certification document (used at report data mapping) Example: ZRU_CERT_DOCUMENT |
PRP_NAME_CERT_DOC_DATE | Event additional property name for certification document date (used at report data mapping) Example: ZRU_CERT_DOC_DATE |
PRP_NAME_CERT_DOC_NUM | Event additional property name for certification document number (used at report data mapping) Example: ZRU_CERT_DOC_NUM |
PRP_NAME_OWNER_INN | Event additional property name for owner tax number (used at report data mapping) Example: ZRU_OWNER_INN |
PRP_NAME_PRODUCER_INN | Event additional property name for producer tax number (used at report data mapping) Example: ZRU_PRODUCER_INN |
PRP_NAME_TRADE_PARTIC_INN | Event additional property name for trade participant tax number (used at report data mapping) Example: ZRU_TRADE_PARTIC_INN |
PRP_NAME_VSD_CERTIFICATE | Event additional property name for VSD certificate (used at report data mapping) Example: ZRU_VSD_CERTIFICATE |
UD_IND_DELIMITER | Industry delimiter to be displayed at transaction /K3TMT/UD_MONITOR Example: / |
UD_IN_LIST_LIMIT | Limit value for True-Api method get document list Example: 10000 |
UD_IN_PROCESS_OVERLAP | Overlap in seconds to find universal documents with status IN_PROGRESS created from overlap date to run date |
Following the recommended minimum set of parameters
Name | Value |
4.3.2. Customizing for Reports
These settings are also used for assignment of customer specific industries to product groups
Field | Description, Values |
Industry | Industry relevant for connector operations |
Product group | Product group at ISMT system |
Text | Free text used to describe industry |
This mapping will be used to identify correct product group on execution True API request.
Industry | Product group | Text |
FS | lp | Clothing items, bed, table, bath and kitchen linens |
TR | tires | New pneumatic rubber tires and tire casings |
ZM | milk | Dairy products | Document type description
Maintain document type description in the transaction /K3TMT/CUST under “Document Type”
Field | Description, Values |
Doc Type | Internal document type (values are predefined). Example:
Document Type Description | Text to be displayed at Report Monitor for document type |
ISMT Document Type | TRUE API document type | Mapping attributes
Mapping attributes in the transaction /K3TMT/CUST under “Mapping attributes” contains attributes for each report used on notification creation. 3Keys CRPT connector ISMT already contains predefined mapping attributes for delivered rule types:
Field | Description, Values |
Rule Type | Rule execution type |
Notification Type | Notification type |
NS | AIF namespace. Value is common for 3Keys CRPT connector: /STTC3 |
Interface | AIF interface. Unique for each rule type, example: ZR_ISMT_15 |
Version | AIF interface version. 3Keys CRPT connector value: 1 |
Raw Data Structure | AIF request/response structure for notification data Example: /K3TMT/S_APPL_KM_CANC_MSG |
SAP Data Structure | SAP structure for notification data Example: /K3TMT/S_APPL_KM_CANC_MSG |
ISMT Document Type | Internal document type Example: 15 |
ObjectTypeName | Execution class to collect notification data Example: /K3TMT/CL_3K_RULE_MAPPING |
Mapper class | Mapper class to fill notification with data Example: /K3TMT/CL_APPL_CANC_MAPPER |
Event Type | Event type triggering reporting Example: 1 Object event |
Event Action | Event action triggering reporting Example: ADD Add/Create |
Notif Action ID | Notification action ID to determine object status by SAP ATTP standard (replaced with Proc valid status field) Example: IS_MT-ApplCanc |
Proc object type | Object types to be included into notification Example: 3 sgtin_sscc_det |
Proc valid status | Object status to be included into notification Example: 2 active (active+read-only+disposition active/in_transit/returned/081) |
Notif Part name | Notification part name on file uploading (not used) Example: IS_MT-ApplCanc |
Max. No.of Obj/Not | Maximum object number at 1 notification part Example: 30000 |
Participant Fieldname | Field name for tax number determination |
Description | Free text for description | Product Group
Product group in the transaction /K3TMT/CUST under “Product group” contains possible values for product groups at ISMT system. 3Keys CRPT connector ISMT already contains product groups, maintain additional values in case new product group added:
Field | Description, Values |
Product group | Product group from True API documentation Example: shoes |
Text | Description (used at search help) Example: Shoes |
4.4. Rule processing
The common rule processing scheme:
Maintain the rules in the transaction /K3TMT/CONF under “Rule Configuration”
Field | Description, Values |
Scenario | Free text used to describe the scenario and group multiple rules to be triggered for the same event |
Rule processing sequence | Sequence of rule triggering for the same Scenario |
Industry identifier | Industry for which rule will trigger For empty industry the following logic used:
ISMT Document type | ISMT Document type |
Rule type | The ATTP standard rule type or customer developed |
Rule is active | Set check box to activate the rule |
Rule Condition Cust | Rule condition |
Business Step | Business step |
Disposition | Disposition code (optional) |
Location Group | Business location group (optional) |
BizLocation GLN | Business location GLN (optional) |
BizLoc. GLN Ext | Business location extension (optional) |
Bus. Transact. Type | Business transaction type (optional) |
Description | Description |
Maintain additional parameters in the transaction /K3TMT/CONF under “Rule Configuration” if required skip specific rules using SAP ATTP rule conditions or class-based rule conditions
Field | Description, Values |
Scenario | Free text used to describe the scenario and group multiple rules to be triggered for the same event |
Rule processing sequence | Sequence of rule triggering for the same Scenario |
Rule Condition Cust | Rule condition |
SAP ATTP rule condition is based on BADI /STTP/BADI_RULE_CONDITIONS with filter = rule condition (Rule processing will stop check if result is skip rule).
By default every report is ready for sending. If the explicit waiting of user approval is required activate User Approval check box in the transaction /K3TMT/CONF under “Configuration ID”
Field | Description, Values |
Configuration ID | Free text used to describe the Configuration ID |
User Apprvl | Wait explicit user approval (optional) |
4.6. Sequence check
The sequence check is active for all outbound notification to ISMT system except LK_GTIN_RECEIPT. The sequence check is triggered during the message approval, check sequence function, sending notification to ISMT via report /K3TMT/DISPATCHER.
Maintain Configuration ID in the transaction /K3TMT/CONF under “Configuration ID”
Field | Description, Values |
Configuration ID | Free text used to describe the Configuration ID |
Config description | Description |
Approved by | User for automatic approval (optional) |
User Apprvl | Wait explicit user approval (optional) |
Delay Response | Delay in seconds before first response for notification |
Max error | Maximum error counter before set notification status “No response” |
4.8. Inbound Universal Documents processing
Maintain Universal document type description in the transaction /K3TMT/CUST under “Universal Document Type” in case UD text need to be corrected
Field | Description, Values |
UD Type | Universal document type of inbound document (Example: 01 – UNIVERSAL_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT or 02 – UNIVERSAL CORRECTION DOCUMENT) |
Universal Document Type | Text to be displayed at Universal Document Monitor (transaction /K3TMT/UD_MONITOR) |
Universal Document Type | TRUE API document type (displayed at Universal Document Monitor - transaction /K3TMT/UD_MONITOR) |
Activate inbound Universal Documents processing in the transaction /K3TMT/CUST node “Relevant industry”
Field | Description, Values |
Configuration ID | Configuration ID for the ISMT cabinet where the universal document expected |
Inbound UD active | Processing state indicator. Value X |
Maintain inbound filter customizing in the transaction /K3TMT/CUST node “Inbound Filter”
Field | Description, Values |
Configuration ID | Configuration ID for the ISMT cabinet where the universal document expected |
Industry | Industry relevant for universal document processing. Example: FS |
UD Int.sec | Interval between inbound UD requests |
UD Ovl.sec | UD overlap in seconds (“Date from” field to request inbound UD will be calculated as Last Run time – UD overlap)
The report /K3TMT/UD_IN shall be planned as a background job to request from ISMT and process the universal documents. The document processing executed with AIF functions and visible in the transaction /AIF/ERR.
Assign the processing function module in the transaction /K3TMT/CONF under “Inbound Universal Doc”.
Field | Description, Values |
UD Type | Universal document type of inbound document (Example: 01 – UNIVERSAL_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT or 02 – UNIVERSAL CORRECTION DOCUMENT) |
Sender INN | Sender tax number from ISMT document (optional) |
Receiver INN | Receiver tax number from ISMT document (optional) |
Sequence | Sequence |
Function Module | Execution function module |
Alert Category | Alert category for email notification (optional) |
Description | Description |
In common universal document processing is presented on the following diagram
Activate inbound Receipts processing in the transaction /K3TMT/CUST node “Relevant industry”
Field | Description, Values |
Configuration ID | Configuration ID for the ISMT cabinet where the universal document expected |
Inbound RCP active | Processing state indicator. Value X |
Maintain inbound filter customizing in the transaction /K3TMT/CUST node “Inbound Filter”
Field | Description, Values |
Configuration ID | Configuration ID for the ISMT cabinet where the universal document expected |
Industry | Industry relevant for universal document processing. Example: FS |
RCP Int.sec | interval between inbound receipts requests |
RCP Ovl.sec | Receipts overlap in seconds (“Date from” field to request inbound receipts will be calculated as Last Run time – receipts overlap) |
The report /K3TMT/RCP_IN shall be planned as a background job to process the inbound receipts. The document processing executed with AIF functions and visible in the transaction /AIF/ERR.
Assign the processing function module in the transaction /K3TMT/CONF under “Inbound Receipt”.
Field | Description, Values |
Receipt Type | Receipt type of inbound document (Example: 01 – RECEIPT or 02 – RECEIPT_RETURN) |
Sender INN | Sender tax number from ISMT document (optional) |
Sequence | Sequence |
Function Module | Execution function module |
Alert Category | Alert category for email notification (optional) |
Description | Description |
4.10. Background jobs for report processing
Maintain rule type in the transaction /K3TMT/CUST under “Rule Type”
Field | Description, Values |
Rule Type | Rule type Example Z3K_RR_MT |
Class name | Customer class name to redefine logic |
Description | Text description |
Implementing a BADI /STTP/BADI_RULE_CONDITIONS with filter = rule condition
Implementing 3Keys rule condition class containing interface /K3TMT/IF_3K_RULE_CONDITIONS. Custom logic needs to be created at method /K3TMT/IF_3K_RULE_CONDITIONS~EXECUTE.
Maintain rule condition in the transaction /K3TMT/CUST under “Rule Condition”
Field | Description, Values |
Customer Condition for Rules | Rule condition unique name |
Class name | Customer class name |
5.1.2. Change report content
Create fixed value append for domain /STTP/D_INDUSTRY (for example ZP – Perfume). Skip this step if industry is supported by SAP standard.
Specify relevant industry for reporting (transaction /K3TMT/CUST, node “Relevant Industry”)
Add new REST path for created industry (transaction SM30 view /STTP/V_RSRVPATH)
Add general customizing parameter RR_RU_NTF_REV for industry using transaction /STTP/CUSTGEN
Customizing Parameter Key | Customizing Parameter Option | Value |
RR_RU_NTF_REV | ZP | 600 |
5.1.5. Create new True API function
5.1.6. Enhancement spot /K3TMT/ES_REP
Badi | Description |
/K3TMT/BADI_REP_PARSE | Parse ISMT report data Additional processing logic to parse notification data into report monitor entry on notification creation |
/K3TMT/BADI_REP_RESPONSE | Get Response from ISMT Additional processing logic to change report monitor entry after report response receiving |
5.2. Enhancement for navigation to ATTP cockpit
Add general customizing parameter /K3TMT/COCKPIT_NAVIG (usage scope Customizing) to enable navigation to ATTP Cockpit from transaction /K3TMT/REP_MONITOR using transaction /STTP/CUSTGEN
Component | Customizing Parameter Key | Customizing Parameter Option | Value |
| X |
5.3. Enhancement for OMS report processing