Document History
Version | Changes | Effective Date |
1.0 | First approved version 3Keys CRPT Connector Add-On release 3.0 | 01-Jul-2021 |
2.0 | RN_2023_03 | 01-Aug-2023 |
3.0 | Release RN_2024_01 | 01-Feb-2024 |
Table of Contents | ||||
Create logical port for consumer proxies using Manual Configuration option. Logical port name is free to choose but must be the same for all consumer proxies.
Consumer proxy | URL suffix |
/K3T/CO_RU_MDLP_API | /mdlp/connector/ru_mdlp_api |
/K3T/CO_RU_MDLP_GET_200 | /mdlp/connector/ru_mdlp_get_200 |
/K3T/CO_RU_MDLP_GET_ORIG_DOC | /mdlp/connector/ru_mdlp_get_orig_doc |
/K3T/CO_RU_MDLP_GET_TOKEN | /mdlp/connector/ru_mdlp_get_token |
/K3T/CO_RU_MDLP_REQ | /mdlp/connector/ru_mdlp_req |
/K3T/CO_RU_GET_OMS_TOKEN | /mdlp/connector/ru_get_oms_token |
/K3T/CO_RU_GET_OMS_AUTH | /mdlp/connector/ru_get_oms_auth |
/K3T/CO_RU_MDLP_CHECK_TOKEN | /mdlp/connector/ru_mdlp_check_token |
/K3T/CO_RU_MDLP_REQ_SIGNED | /mdlp/connector/ru_mdlp_req_signed |
/K3T/CO_RU_MDLP_UPDATE_TOKEN | /mdlp/connector/ru_mdlp_update_token |
/K3T/CO_RU_UPDATE_OMS_TOKEN | /mdlp/connector/ru_update_oms_token |
The values for user, password, URL port and Transport Binding Type (SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2, the default value is SOAP 1.1) shall match the values in the configuration file of the connector Java part.
Create binding for the Service definitions
Service Definition |
Choose the radio button SSL if https connection is used, otherwise None for http. Activate User ID/Password check box for the Transport Channel Authentication.
The transaction /K3T/RU_PARAM contains parameters to govern the 3Keys CRPT connector MDLP. The settings will require a customizing transport. The view /K3T/RU_PARAM_V can be used with transaction SM30 for changes without customizing transport.
Name | Description, Values |
/K3T/ACTIVE | Activate MDLP connector X - active |
/K3T/CHECK_MDLP_SEQUENCE | Check MDLP sequence before message sending X - active |
/K3T/CHECK_QRFC_DISPATCHER | Check message already exists in the queue (SMQ1) before sending to prevent from sending again X - active |
/K3T/CHECK_RESP_MDLP_STATUS | Check response processed already: X - active |
/K3T/CHECK_SNR_PAID_STATUS | Check serial number paid status for processing 10311 or 10319 inbound messages X - active |
/K3T/CL_RU_NOTIF | Use custom class to process missing data function instead of class /K3T/CL_RU_NOTIF |
/K3T/CLASS_MDLP_STATUS | Redefine MDLP status processing class /K3T/CL_RU_MDLP_STATUS with custom class |
/K3T/DEL_CONF_MSG_OBJ_INACTIVE | Deactivate deletion object for aggregated messages after message confirmation from MDLP X - inactive |
/K3T/FM_DEL_MSG_CONTENT | Function module name to delete quantity data displayed in transaction /K3T/RU_MONITOR |
/K3T/FM_POPUP_MSG_CONTENT | Function module name to display quantity data in transaction /K3T/RU_MONITOR |
/K3T/FM_READ_MSG_CONTENT | Function module name to read quantity data displayed in transaction /K3T/RU_MONITOR |
/K3T/FM_SEARCH_MSG_CONTENT | Function module name to search GTIN, Lot number in transaction /K3T/RU_MONITOR |
/K3T/FM_STORE_MSG_CONTENT | Function module name to store quantity data displayed in transaction /K3T/RU_MONITOR |
/K3T/LM_AC_DOCTYPE_INACTIVE | Skip authorization check for MDLP document type at transaction /K3T/LM_MONITOR X – skip |
/K3T/LM_INACTIVE | Deactivate collecting data for Logistic Monitor X – deactivate |
/K3T/MDLP_API_HRY_DELAY | Delay on MDLP API request for SSCC hierarchy information |
/K3T/MDLP_API_HRY_DELAY_LOCK | Attempts number to set lock (with interval 1 second between) on MDLP API SSCC hierarchy information request |
/K3T/MDLP_API_S_LST_DELAY | Delay on MDLP API request for SGTIN information |
/K3T/MDLP_API_S_LST_DELAY_LOCK | Attempts number to set lock (with interval 1 second between) on MDLP API SGTIN information request |
K3T/MDLP_API_TSK_HRY_DELAY | Delay on MDLP API request to create MDLP reporting task report SSCC hierarchy |
/K3T/MDLP_API_TSK_INF_DELAY | Delay on MDLP API request to get information about MDLP reporting task |
/K3T/MDLP_API_TSK_MDP_DELAY | Delay on MDLP API request to create MDLP reporting task report Medicine disposal |
/K3T/MDLP_API_TSK_PR_DELAY | Delay on MDLP API request to create MDLP reporting task report Pricing report |
/K3T/MDLP_API_TSK_REM_DELAY | Delay on MDLP API request to create MDLP reporting task report Remaining medicines |
/K3T/MDLP_API_TSK_NO_DATA_TXT{X} | Text for MDLP analytic reporting task result to be parsed as no data found in MDLP. {X} means entry number, for example 1, 2, 3, 4 |
/K3T/MON_CHANGE_DOC_INACTIVE | Deactivate Change Log functionality X – deactivate |
/K3T/MON_DEF_TRN_DOCTYPE | Default business trans. document type to be displayed at /K3T/RU_MONITOR if event contains more than 1 business transaction document |
/K3T/MON_NAVIG_ACTIVE | Navigation to ATTP Cockpit is active for transaction /K3T/RU_MONITOR X - active |
/K3T/REDEFINE_CONFIG_INACTIVE | Deactivate Configuration ID determination if Subject Id was changed after status “05-Missing data” X - inactive |
/K3T/REPL_OPER_DATE | Replace operation date with current UTC timestamp for all messages before sending to MDLP X - active |
/K3T/REPL_OPER_DATE_915 | Replace operation date with current UTC timestamp for 915 message(915 could be changed to any other message) X - active |
/K3T/RU_ACCEPT_PARAM | Registration type for accept type: reverse or direct accept (415 / 441 message processing algorithm) Example: ZZ_ACEPT_TYPE |
/K3T/RU_DM_TRN | Table for additional parameters for business transaction Exampel: /K3T/DM_TRN_PRP |
/K3T/RU_INB_MSG_DELAY | Wait up to XX seconds to be able debug AIF processing Example: 30 |
/K3T/RU_MAX_LOG_OBJID_ERR_ROWS | Maximum number of log entries at object id check for inbound message processing Example: 50 |
/K3T/RU_MAX_LOG_ROWS | Maximum number of log entries at MDLP sequence check Example: 50 |
/K3T/RU_MAX_LOG_INFO_ROWS | Maximum log entries on sequence check for each report item Example: 50 |
/K3T/RU_MAXOCCURS_912 | Maximum number of SSCC at 912 with multiple SSCC notification to MDLP Example: 1500 |
/K3T/RU_MDLP_INFO_STORE_XML | Store XML for MDLP info request X - active |
/K3T/RU_MDLP_INFO_TRACE | Create /K3T/RU_MDLP entry for each 210 message X - active |
/K3T/RU_UNREG_PARAM | Registration type for unregistered participant (415 / 441 message processing algorithm) Example: ZZ_BP_UREG |
/K3T/SCN_ALLOW_EMPTY_SSCC | Suppress error for empty SSCC at SAP ATT on SCN processing (X - active) |
/K3T/SCN_BP_FIND_LOC_GLN | Find partner GLN by location assigned to the partner (first location with non-empty GLN) X - active |
/K3T/SCN_READ_OBJ_ATTEMPTS | Use specified attempts number to read objects from SAP system after posting EPCIS message on inbound SCN processing |
/K3T/SCN_READ_OBJ_DELAY | Use specified delay between attempts to read objects from SAP system after posting EPCIS message on inbound SCN processing |
/K3T/SCN_SENDER | Use specified sender at generated EPCIS |
/K3T/SCN_SKIP_DOCYEAR | Do not add the year to business transaction for EPCIS shipping event X - active |
/K3T/SCN_SKIP_DOCYEAR_601 | Do not add the year to business transaction for EPCIS shipping event in case of MDLP 601 message (601 could be changed to any other message) X - active |
/K3T/SCN_USE_221_HRY_INFO | Use 220/221 messages to get hierarchy data from MDLP during the processing inbound message 601, 603 X -active |
/K3T/SCN_USE_API_HRY_INFO | Use API method to get SSCC hierarchy data from MDLP during the processing inbound message 601, 603 X -active |
/K3T/SCN_USE_API_SGTIN_INFO | Use MDLP API to get SGTIN information X - active |
/K3T/SEQ_915_SSCC_INACTIVE | Deactivate SSCC check at sequence check for message 915 containing SGTIN-SSCC X - inactive |
/K3T/SEQ_MSG_OBJ_OPT_ACCESS | Use optimized access to the database data during sequence check. 100 – minimum number of objects in the message |
/K3T/SKIP_SINGLE_COST_DETAIL | Skip adding <detail> section to the node <sscc_detail> in the XML for SSCC with GTIN/LOT details if the SSCC contains only one lot for messages 341, 361, 362, 415, 416, 441, 461, 363, 335 X - skip |
/K3T/SKIP_SINGLE_REL_DETAIL | Skip adding <detail> section in XML for message type 363 X - skip |
/K3T/SKIP_SINGLE_CUST_DETAIL | Skip adding <detail> section in XML for message type 335 X - skip |
MR_TAB_DISPOSAL | External database table name to store MDLP analytic reporting Medicine disposal |
MR_DISTR_PACKAGE_SIZE | Package size to send data to external database Example 10000 |
MR_DISTR_SKIP_DEL_STEP | Skip data deletion step at SAP tables after sending data to external database X - skip |
MR_TAB_REMAINS | External database table name to store MDLP analytic reporting Remaining medicines |
MR_TAB_REQUEST | External database table name to store MDLP analytic reporting request |
MR_TAB_REQ_PARAM | External database table name to store MDLP analytic reporting request parameters |
MR_DBNAME | External database connection name to store MDLP analytic reporting data |
MR_CSV_FILE_PART_SIZE | MDLP analytic: Split unzipped CSV file to parts with XX entries. File will be splitted into several parts and saved to database table to reduce memory on data processing Optional, default value 100000 entries |
MR_CSV_PACKAGE_SIZE | MDLP analytic: Split unzipped CSV file to packages with XX entries. Each package is parsed sequentally and database tables are updated Optional, default value 20000 entries |
/K3T/MDLP_API_TSK_RDEL_DELAY | MDLP analytic: Delay between identical requests to delete General report file from MDLP system Optional, default value 65 seconds |
/K3T/MDLP_API_TSK_R_DP_DELAY | MDLP analytic: Delay between identical requests to create Medical disposal General report at MDLP system Optional, default value 65 seconds |
/K3T/MDLP_API_TSK_R_MV_DELAY | MDLP analytic: Delay between identical requests to create General report on Movement at MDLP system Optional, default value 65 seconds |
/K3T/MDLP_API_TSK_R_PR_DELAY | MDLP analytic: Delay between identical requests to create Price General report at MDLP system Optional, default value 65 seconds |
/K3T/MDLP_API_TSK_R_RM_DELAY | MDLP analytic: Delay between identical requests to create Remaining medicines General report at MDLP system Optional, default value 65 seconds |
/K3T/MDLP_API_TSK_R_RGET_DELAY | MDLP analytic: Delay between identical requests to get result ID for General report from MDLP system Optional, default value 65 seconds |
/K3T/MDLP_API_TSK_R_FILE_DELAY | MDLP analytic: Delay between identical requests to get ZIP file for General report from MDLP system Optional, default value 65 seconds |
/K3T/MDLP_API_TSK_R_SRCH_DELAY | MDLP analytic: Delay between identical requests to get all task status for General report from MDLP system Optional, default value 65 seconds |
K3T/MDLP_API_TSK_R_STAT_DELAY | MDLP analytic: Delay between identical requests to get single task status for General report from MDLP system Optional, default value 65 seconds |
Following the recommended minimum set of parameters
Name | Value |
4.3 Rule processing
The rule type Z3K_RR_RU shall be assigned in the transaction /STTP/CUST_RULES to business steps / location groups related for the MDLP Russian reporting
Maintain the rules in the transaction /K3T/RU_CONF under “Rule Configuration”
Field | Description, Values |
Scenario | Free text used to describe the scenario and group multiple rules to be triggered for the same event |
Rule Processing Seq | Sequence of rule triggering for the same Scenario |
MDLP Document Type | MDLP Document Type 911-914 shall not be maintained for pack/unpack rules |
Rule Type | The ATTP standard rule type or customer developed |
Rule is Active | Set check box to activate the rule |
Business Step | Business step |
Disposition | Disposition code (optional) |
Location Group | Business location group (optional) |
BizLocation GLN | Business location GLN (optional) |
BizLoc. GLN Ext | Business location extension (optional) |
Bus. Transact. Type | Business transaction type (optional) |
Description | Description |
Maintain additional parameters in the transaction /K3T/RU_CONF under “Rule Configuration” if required to specified approving behavior or Configuration ID
Field | Description, Values |
Scenario | Scenario |
Rule Processing Seq | Sequence of rule triggering for the same Scenario |
Approver | User for automatic approval (optional) |
Approver Group | Approver Group to be checked (optional) |
User Apprvl | Wait explicit user approval (optional) |
MDLP Conf ID | Configuration ID (optional) |
4.4 Configuration ID determination
Maintain Configuration ID in the transaction /K3T/RU_CONF under “Configuration ID”
Field | Description, Values |
MDLP Conf ID | Free text used to describe the Configuration ID |
Approver | User for automatic approval (optional) |
Approver Group | Approver Group to be checked (optional) |
User Apprvl | Wait explicit user approval (optional) |
Queue Name | Free text for Queue name in the transaction SMQ1 can be used to group the messages (optional) |
Skip file upload | Set check box to deactivate storage files in the folder as SAP ATTP standard |
Description | Description |
JCon Destination | RFC destination name in case RFC used for connection to connector Java part |
Logical Port | Logical port in case web service used for connection to connector Java part |
Signature Required | Manual signature mode for token and outbound reports (optional) |
Assign the MDLP long (36-digit participant GUID ) and short(14-digit domestic location ID) Subject ID in the transaction /K3T/RU_CONF under “MDLP Subject ID”, if Configuration ID shall be determined based on the Subject ID
Field | Description, Values |
Subject ID | MDLP long or short Subject ID |
MDLP Conf ID | Configuration ID |
Approver | User for automatic approval (optional) |
Approver Group | Approver Group to be checked (optional) |
User Apprvl | Wait explicit user approval (optional) |
Description | Description (optional) |
Assign GLN in the transaction /K3T/RU_CONF under “GLN assignment”, if Configuration ID shall be determined based on GLN in the event. Without posting event the Configuration ID cannot be determined
Field | Description, Values |
Global Location No | GLN |
GLN Extension | GLN extension |
MDLP Conf ID | Configuration ID |
Approver | User for automatic approval (optional) |
Approver Group | Approver Group to be checked (optional) |
User Apprvl | Wait explicit user approval (optional) |
4.5 Inbound message processing
Maintain Configuration ID for inbound MDLP messages download in the transaction /K3T/RU_CONF under “Inbound message filter”
Field | Description, Values |
MDLP Configuration ID | Configuration ID for the MDLP cabinet where the inbound message expected |
Interval | Interval in seconds for checking for new inbound messages to be downloaded. |
Receiver ID | Subject ID of the message sender(optional) |
Date | Start date in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS for the first message to be downloaded, in case not all inbound messages shall be downloaded(optional) |
Delay | Delay in seconds for debugging |
Maintain Configuration ID for outbound MDLP messages download in the transaction /K3T/RU_CONF under “Outbound message filter”. Currently message type 10311, 10319 will be downloaded
Field | Description, Values |
MDLP Configuration ID | Configuration ID for the MDLP cabinet where the outbound message expected |
Interval | Interval in seconds for checking for new outbound messages to be downloaded. |
Sender ID | Subject ID of the message sender(optional) |
Date | Start date in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS for the first message to be downloaded, in case not all outbound messages shall be downloaded(optional) |
Delay | Delay in seconds for debugging |
The MDLP inbound messages will be downloaded by the connector Java part and transferred to SAP ATTP.
Assign the processing function module in the transaction /K3T/RU_CONF under “Inbound message processing”.
Field | Description, Values |
MDLP Document Type | MDLP document type of inbound message (6xx or 10311, 10319) |
Subject ID | Receiver Subject ID (optional) |
Sender ID | Inbound message sender Subject ID (optional) |
Sequence | Sequence |
Function Module | Execution function module |
Location (SGLN) | Event business location for posting SCN (optional) |
Alert Category | Alert category for /K3T/RU_AIF_IN_EMAIL (optional) |
Description | Description |
The 3Keys CRPT connector for MDLP provides the list of function modules for processing of inbound messages.
Function module | Description |
/K3T/RU_AIF_IN_AUTO_701 | Function module generates the message 701 based on content of inbound message. |
/K3T/RU_AIF_IN_EMAIL | Function module triggers alert email based on content of inbound message. The alert category and email shall be maintained in the transaction /K3T/RU_CONF under “Alert recipient” |
/K3T/RU_AIF_IN_LM | Function module updates confirmation status in logistic monitor for 605, 606, 607, 627, 628 inbound messages |
/K3T/RU_AIF_IN_NO_REACTION | Function module set inbound message status processed |
/K3T/RU_AIF_IN_OMS_MSG | Function module updates serial number MDLP status from message 10311, 10319 (OMS) |
/K3T/RU_AIF_IN_REP | Function module creates SAP ATTP reporting event |
/K3T/RU_AIF_IN_ST_REFUSAL | Function module updates serial number MDLP status from message 605, 606 (message cancelation) |
/K3T/RU_AIF_IN_ST_UPDATE | Function module updates serial number MDLP status by requesting status from MDLP |
/K3T/RU_AIF_IN_RETURN_SCN | Function module posts unpacking, receiving, and shipping event for return process, if inbound message contains only SGTINs and turnover_type = 2. Otherwise, the function module /K3T/RU_AIF_IN_SCN will be executed. |
/K3T/RU_AIF_IN_RETURN_SCN2 | Function module posts unpacking, receiving, and shipping event for return process, if inbound message contains only SGTIN, or SSCC as originally shipped, or SSCC unpacked from originally shipped SSCC, or SSCC with less SGTINs as originally shipped and turnover type = “2”-return. Otherwise, the function module /K3T/RU_AIF_IN_SCN will be executed. |
/K3T/RU_AIF_IN_SCN | Function module posts commissioning, packing, shipping, receiving event based on inbound message. The current hierarchy will be downloaded from MDLP and compared with current hierarchy in SAP ATTP. The hierarchy shall not exist in SAP ATTP or matched with MDLP. The source / destination mapping parameters and the events to be posted can be configured with transaction /K3T/RU_SCN_MAP |
Following the recommended minimum set of function modules assignment
MDLP Document Type | Sequence | Function module |
10311 | 1 | /K3T/RU_AIF_IN_OMS_MSG |
10319 | 1 | /K3T/RU_AIF_IN_OMS_MSG |
605 | 1 | /K3T/RU_AIF_IN_ST_REFUSAL |
605 | 2 | /K3T/RU_AIF_IN_LM |
605 | 3 | /K3T/RU_AIF_IN_REP |
606 | 1 | /K3T/RU_AIF_IN_ST_REFUSAL |
606 | 2 | /K3T/RU_AIF_IN_LM |
606 | 3 | /K3T/RU_AIF_IN_REP |
607 | 1 | /K3T/RU_AIF_IN_LM |
607 | 2 | /K3T/RU_AIF_IN_REP |
627 | 1 | /K3T/RU_AIF_IN_LM |
627 | 2 | /K3T/RU_AIF_IN_REP |
628 | 1 | /K3T/RU_AIF_IN_LM |
628 | 2 | /K3T/RU_AIF_IN_REP |
4.5.1 Russia inbound SCN attribute mapping transaction /K3T/RU_SCN_MAP
Insert source/destination entries for posting event
Field | Description, Values |
GLN Destination | Select one of the alternatives: SRC-LOC Source Location SRC-OWN Source Owning Party DST-LOC Source Location DST-OWN Source Owning Party |
GLN Source | Select one of the alternatives: Fixed value Message field |
Location SGLN | Location constant value in the format SGLN Example: 400123.000001.0 |
Rep message field | Message field used to determine Location based on source Field values specified in the node “Message field” |
Source (BUP / Location) | Select one of the alternatives: BUP Business partner LOC Location |
Select node “SCN events” to deactivate EPCIS events to be created with function module /K3T/RU_AIF_IN_SCN. By default commissioning, aggregation, receiving, shipping will be posted. Deactivate checkbox for specific event if posting is not needed.
Select node “Message field” to set possible values for reporting message field selection.
Assign the processing function module for specific report under “Analytic Report”.
Field | Description, Values |
Report Type | MDLP Analytic Report type |
Sequence | Sequence |
Function Module | Execution function module |
Description | Description |
The 3Keys CRPT connector for MDLP provides the list of function modules for processing of analytic reporting data.
Function module | Description |
/K3T/RU_MAR_EXEC_SAVE | Function module parse the result zip file of analytic report and store extracted data in the tables |
/K3T/RU_MAR_EXEC_DB_DISTR | Function module transfer the data stored in the tables to the connected external database (transaction DBCO). The external database tables shall have correct structure (example structure /K3T/S_RU_MR_*_DAT_DB where * - report type specific substring) |
/K3T/RU_MAR_EXEC_STATUS | Function module set processing status. This function module shall be assigned as last in the sequence for the reporting type |
Maintain exclude fields under “Response Exclude fields” to exclude unnecessary data from report.
Field | Description, Values |
Report Type | MDLP Analytic Report type |
Field Name | Field name to be excluded from report result |
Description | Text |
4.11.2 Report /K3T/RU_MAR_TASK_PROC - Russia MDLP Analytics: Task processor
3Keys CRPT connector MDLP delivered with additional rule types for message types.
Rule Type | Description |
Z3K_313 | Message 313 |
Z3K_342 | Message 342 |
Z3K_531 | Message 531 |
Z3K_702 | Message 702 |
Z3K_703 | Message 703 |
Z3K_912 | Unpack all hierarchy levels, message 912 with recursive flag |
Z3K_912M | Unpack all hierarchy levels, message 912 with recursive flag (multiple SSCC) |
The Rule Type assignment to Notification Type and AIF parameters is stored in the transaction /K3T/RU_CRULE
Insert new attribute setting
Field | Description, Values |
Rule type | Rule type value mapping will be performed for Example RR_RU_415_MOVEORD_FL |
Rep message field | Message field value will be set to. Field values specified in the node “Message field” Example RECEIVER_ID |
Priority | Priority to process attribute determination if several rules defined Example 0 |
Location SGLN | Location constant value in the format SGLN Example: 5175404.00001.3 |
Location Group | Check Location group of events read point GLN or business location GLN Example <EMPTY> |
GLN Source | Source for GLN determination: event location or business transaction location Field values specified in the node “Source for GLN» Example EVT-SRC-LOC |
Source (BUP / Location) | Source for registration number determination by GLN: Business partner or Location Select one of the alternatives: BUP Business partner LOC Location Example LOC Location |
Reg type | Registration number type RU_SUBJID - long (36-digit participant GUID) RU_SUBJIDS - short (14-digit domestic location ID) Example RU_SUBJIDS |
Select node “Source for GLN” – possible values for GLN determination are predefined
Value | Description |
BIZTRANS-SHIPFROM | Get assigned business transaction to event and use Ship from Location GLN |
BIZTRANS-SHIPTO | Get assigned business transaction to event and use Ship to Location GLN |
BIZTRANS-SOLDFROM | Get assigned business transaction to event and use Sold from Location GLN |
BIZTRANS-SOLDTO | Get assigned business transaction to event and use Sold to Location GLN |
EVT-BIZLOC | Event business location |
EVT-DST-LOC | Event destination location |
EVT-DST-OWNR | Event destination owning party |
EVT-READPOINT | Event read point |
EVT-SRC-LOC | Event source location |
EVT-SRC-OWNR | Event source owning party |
GTIN-BR_OWNER_GLN | Get GLN from object GTIN attribute BR_OWNER_GLN |
Select node “Message field” to set possible values for reporting message field selection
5.3 Enhancement spot /K3T/ES_REP_RU
Badi | Description |
/K3T/BADI_RU_CHECK_EVT_PROP | Additional event properties check to stop message processing in status 05-Missing data |
/K3T/BADI_RU_MAR_SCD | Russia MDLP Analytics: Task scheduler |
/K3T/BADI_RU_MDLP_SEND | Additional processing logic after the message sending to MDLP |
/K3T/BADI_RU_MDLP_RESP | Additional processing logic after receiving response from MDLP |
/K3T/BADI_RU_MDLP_IN | Additional processing logic before starting execution AIF for inbound MDLP message |
/K3T/BADI_RU_MDLP_CLEANUP | Additional processing logic to filter objects to be deleted with report /K3T/RU_MDLP_CLEANUP |
5.4 Enhancement for navigation to ATTP cockpit