Document History
Version | Changes | Effective Date |
1.0 | First approved version 3Keys ISMT Connector Add-On release 2023_04 | 01-Nov-2023 |
1. Overview
This document describes changes in the 3Keys ISMT connector ABAP part.
2. Notes
Note | Description | Category |
Note text
New functionality for Russia ISMT connector implemented to support manual signature approach via SAP GUI and Crypto Pro SSF software installed on the user local PC. Combined scenario with manual signature and automatic signature are supported. New transaction /K3TMT/SSF_C - “ISMT Certificate assignment” created to maintain certificate assignment to the user and configuration ID. New field “Signature required” added to transaction /K3TMT/CONF node Configuration ID to activate the manual signature for the Configuration ID. The message for manual signature will stop in status ‘10’ and wait for the user Approval in the transaction /K3TMT/REP_MONITOR. The following corrections implemented into transaction /K3TMT/REP_MONITOR:
To support OMS interaction is case manual signature configuration the following correction implemented:
New feature The following corrections implemented into transaction /K3TMT/SN_INFO Serial Number information
New feature The following corrections implemented into program /K3TMT/DISPATCHER:
New feature The following corrections implemented into program /K3TMT/RESPONSE:
New feature The following corrections implemented into program /K3TMT/OMS_REP:
New feature, Implementation error. The following corrections implemented into program /K3TMT/UD_IN (Inbound Universal document processing):
New feature The following corrections implemented into program /K3TMT/RCP_IN (Inbound Receipts processing):
New feature Multiple configuration
New feature ISMT report LP_GOODS_IMPORT Import 3rd country according to the True API update:
New feature New ISMT report REAGGREGATION_DOCUMENT Transformation support added.
New feature | New feature, error |
3. Transport request ATTP 3.0
The transport request D14K900XXX D14K900332 includes the release notes RN_2023_04 for ATTP 3.0 with following list of implemented notes.
Note: The transport request D14K900309 (RN_2023_02) is a prerequisite for the import
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2023_04_1 |
D14K900328 | D14K900309 |
13-Sep-2023 |
4. Transport request ATTP 3.1
The transport request A2DK900XXX A2DK900643 includes the release notes RN_2023_04 for ATTP 3.1 with following list of implemented notes.
Note: The transport request A2DK900515 (RN_2023_02) is a prerequisite for the import
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2023_04_1 |
A2DK900623 | A2DK900515 |
13-Sep-2023 |
5. Transport request ATTP 3.2
The transport request A3DK900XXX A3DK900211 includes the release notes RN_2023_04 for ATTP 3.2 with following list of implemented notes.
Note: The transport request A3DK900128 (RN_2023_02) is a prerequisite for the import
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2023_04_1 |
A3DK900198 | A3DK900128 |
13-Sep-2023 |