Rule | Notification |
Z3K_ISMT_APPL_CANC | Writing off applied ICs with IM - Applied Cancellation (LK_APPLIED_KM_CANCELLATION) |
Z3K_ISMT_CONTR_COMM | Introduction into circulation. Contract manufacturing in the Russian Federation (LK_CONTRACT_COMMISSIONING) |
Z3K_ISMT_DEC | Withdrawal from circulation – Decomissioning (LK_RECEIPT) |
Z3K_ISMT_INTR_GDS | Introduction into circulation. Manufacturing in the Russian Federation - Introduce Goods (LP_INTRODUCE_GOODS) |
Z3K_ISMT_FTS_INT | Introduction into Circulation. Import with FCS (LP_FTS_INTRODUCE) |
Z3K_ISMT_GTIN_REC | Withdrawal from circulation (volume and grade accounting) (LK_GTIN_RECEIPT) |
The list of supported rule types (notifications) is planned to be enhanced in future 3Keys CRPT Connector ISMT releases. Also, you can enhance supported notification by adding custom rule types (See enhancement section).
To create a system, do the following:
Call transaction /STTP/COCKPIT
Navigate to Master Data > Systems and then Choose Display/Edit.
Choose Create. A popup is displayed.
In the popup, define a system name and use following parameters:
a. System name (for example GISMT)
Industry Identifier | RU System | RU System Revision | REST Operation | REST Path |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_CISES_AGG_LIST | /api/v3/true-api/cises/aggregated/list |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_CISES_INFO | /api/v3/true-api/cises/info |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_CIS_INFO | /api/v3/true-api/cises/list |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_DOCUMENTS | /api/v3v4/true-api/doc/listV2list |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_DOCUMENT_INFO | /api/v3v4/true-api/documentsdoc/{document_iddocId}/info |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_RECEIPT_INFO | /api/v3v4/true-api/receipt/{receiptId}/info |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_RECEIPT_LIST | /api/v4/true-api/receipt/listV2list |
FS | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | ZZGET_UTD_INFO | /api/v3/true-api/documents/edo/tpr/ud |
Property | Description | Mandatory? |
ZRU_TRADE_PARTIC_INN | INN of goods circulation participant If property is not provided tax code from Business partner assigned to GLN will be used | N |
ZRU_BUYER_INN | Buyer’s INN It is mandatory if RR_RU_ACTION value is “DONATION” (“Donation”). It shall not be filled in if RR_RU_ACTION value is not equal to “DONATION” (“Donation”), “OWN_USE” (“Use for own purposes”) or “PRODUCTION_USE” (“Use for production purposes”) | N |
RR_RU_ACTION | Withdrawal reason Possible values: “BEYOND_EEC_EXPORT” - Export outside the EEU countries “CONFISCATION” - Confiscation “DESTRUCTION” - Destruction “DONATION” - Donation “EAS_TRADE” - Cross-border export to EEU countries “EXPIRATION” - Shelf life expiration “LOSS” - Loss “OTHER” - Other “OWN_USE” - Use for internal purposes “PRODUCTION_USE” - Use for production purposes “STATE_CONTRACT” - Sale under a state (municipal) contract “STATE_SECRET” - Sale in deal constituting a state secret “UTILIZATION” - Disposal | Y |
RR_RU_WDRWL_REASON | Other reason It is mandatory if RR_RU_ACTION value is "OTHER" ("Other reason"). This parameter shall not be filled in if other RR_RU_ACTION values are specified | N |
RR_RU_ACTION_DATE | Date of withdrawal from circulation | Y |
ZRU_STATE_CONTR_ID | Identifier of state contract It is mandatory if RR_RU_ACTION value is: “STATE_SECRET” (“Sale in deal with a state secret”); “STATE_CONTRACT” (“Sale under a state (municipal) contract”) / “STATE_ENTERPRISE” (“Acquisition by a state enterprise”). This parameter shall not be filled in if other RR_RU_ACTION value is specified. | N |
RR_RU_DOC_TYPE | Type of primary document Shall not be filled in case for the event additional extension attribute RR_RU_ACTION the value from range ('STATE_SECRET', ‘STATE_CONTRACT', ‘STATE_ENTERPRISE’, ‘EAS_TRADE’, 'EEC_EXPORT’ ) is provided. Mandatory in case for the event additional extension attribute RR_RU_ACTION other value is provided Possible values: “RECEIPT” - “Register receipt”; “SALES_RECEIPT” - “Sales receipt”; “CONSIGNMENT_NOTE” - “Packing list”; “CUSTOMS_DECLARATION” - “Customs declaration”; “UTD” - “Universal transfer document”; “DESTRUCTION_ACT” - “Certificate of destruction (loss/disposal)”; “OTHER” - “Other”. | N |
RR_RU_DOC_NUM | Primary document number Mandatory in case for the event additional extension attribute RR_RU_DOC_TYPE value is provided | N |
RR_RU_DOC_DATE | Primary document date Mandatory in case for the event additional extension attribute RR_RU_DOC_TYPE value is provided | N |
RR_RU_PRM_DOC_CUS_NM | Name of primary document Mandatory in case for the event additional extension attribute RR_RU_DOC_TYPE the value ‘OTHER’ is provided. | N |
ZRU_CTR_DEST | Code of the destination country The parameter is filled in if RR_RU_ACTION value is “EAS_TRADE” (“Cross-border export to EEU countries”) / "EEC_EXPORT" (“Export to EEU countries”). If other reasons for withdrawal from circulation are specified, the parameter shall not be filled in. Possible values: "112" - Republic of Belarus; "417" - Kyrgyz Republic; "398" - Republic of Kazakhstan; "051" - Republic of Armenia | N |
ZRU_IMPORTER_ID | INN (or analog) of the importer The parameter is filled in if RR_RU_ACTION value is “EAS_TRADE” (“Cross-border export to EEU countries”) / “EEC_EXPORT” (“Export to EEU countries”). If other reasons for withdrawal of the goods from circulation are specified, the parameter shall not be filled in. | N |
RR_RU_AOGUID | FIAS identifier The parameter can be filled in only if RR_RU_ACTION value is: “CONFISCATION” — “Confiscation”; “UTILIZATION” — “Disposal”; “DESTRUCTION” — “Destruction”; “LOSS” / “DAMAGE_LOSS” — “Loss”; “OTHER” — “Other”. | N |
ZRU_GTIN_QTY | Quantity of the goods units | Y |
RR_RU_COST | Unit price The parameter is optional if if RR_RU_ACTION value is: "DONATION" ("Compensation-free transfer"); "PRODUCTION_USE" ("Use for production purposes"). If RR_RU_ACTION value has other values, the parameter shall not be filled in. If RR_RU_ACTION value is “DONATION” (“Compensation-free transfer”) and RR_RU_COST is filled in, a value “0.00” must be specified. | N |
Property | Description | Mandatory? |
ZRU_VSD | VSD Certificate | N |
RR_RU_DECL_NUM | Declaration number | Y |
RR_RU_DECL_DATE | Declaration date | Y |
RR_RU_CUSTOMS_CODE | Customs code | Y |
RR_RU_DECISION_CODE | Decision code | Y |
RR_RU_TNVED_CODE | A 10-digit FEACN code (from GTIN properties) | Y |
RR_RU_CERT_DOC_DATE | Certificate document date | N |
RR_RU_CERT_DOC_NUM | Certificate document number | N |
RR_RU_CERT_DOCUMENT | Certificate document | N |
4.3. Customizing the solution
The logic of the sequence check:
Check objects ISMT status (status found). The ISMT status tracked for every SGTIN in the table /K3TMT/OBJ_STA. The SSCC ISMT status determined based on the first found SGTIN in the current hierarchy
Processing status: there is no report with the same objects in status “Send”
Check predecessor: there is no report with the same objects earlier than the current message.
The ISMT status could be updated with transaction /K3TMT/SN_INFO or program /K3TMT/OMS_REP (if SGTIN was send to OMS with BR_CRYPTO_COMM event).
The new industry not supported by SAP ATTP standard can be created with following steps:
Create fixed value append for domain /STTP/D_INDUSTRY (for example ZP – Perfume). Skip this step if industry is supported by SAP standard.
Specify relevant industry for reporting (transaction /K3TMT/CUST, node “Relevant Industry”)
Add new REST path for created industry (transaction SM30 view /STTP/V_RSRVPATH)
Add general customizing parameter RR_RU_NTF_REV for industry using transaction /STTP/CUSTGEN
Customizing Parameter Key | Customizing Parameter Option | Value |
RR_RU_NTF_REV | ZP | 600 |
The new True API method not existing in the 3Keys Connector ISMT can be created with following steps
If base class for API processing does not exist create child class of /K3TMT/CL_TRUE_API_REQ as custom class ZCL_TRUE_API_REQ
Create method GET_INSTANCE_ATT as copy of GET_INSTANCE at custom class ZCL_TRUE_API_REQ
Create new constant for rest operation (use constant /K3TMT/CL_REST_CONST=>GCS_REST_OPERATION-NOTIFICATION-ISMT-GET_CISES_INFO as example)
Add new REST path for created REST operation (transaction SM30 view /STTP/V_RSRVPATH)
Create processor class (use class /K3TMT/CL_TRUE_API_CISES_INFO as example), for example ZCL_TRUE_API_CISES_INFO2
Add processor (class ZCL_TRUE_API_CISES_INFO2) instance creation logic into method GET_INSTANCE_ATT (based on rest operation) of base class ZCL_TRUE_API_REQ
Implement new created API processing class ZCL_TRUE_API_REQ call into custom code
5.1.6. Enhancement spot /K3TMT/ES_REP