Note | Description | Category |
Software component K3TMT assigned for packages /K3TMT/AIF, /K3TMT/COCKPIT, /K3TMT/COMMON, /K3TMT/MAIN, /K3TMT/RULE, /K3TMT/UI. Software component K3TMT version updated to 302. New BC Set /K3TMT/CUST_ISMT_3_2 created for SAP ATTP 3.2 version including all previous customizing. | New feature | |
New industry 30 Disinfectants, 31 Food Supplements added New functions for transaction /K3TMT/REP_MONITOR:
New report LP_GOODS_IMPORT Import 3rd country added. BC Sets /K3TMT/CUST_ISMT_300_2023_01_02, /K3TMT/CUST_ISMT_3_1_2023_01_02, /K3TMT/CUST_ISMT_3_2_2023_01_02 include all necessary customizing. Manual activity required: maintain REST path via SM30 /STTP/V_RSRVPATH method CREATE_DOCUMENT with following values: industry 30: “/api/v3/true-api/lk/documents/create?pg=antiseptic” industry 31: “/api/v3/true-api/lk/documents/create?pg=bio“ | New feature, error | |
New rule type Z3K_ISMT_PACK_MPCK created to create aggregation reporting events based on object event by layers combining SGTINs from one aggregation level to one reporting events. For example, object event contains SSCC1 and SSCC2. SSCC1 has the following hierarchy at SAP ATTP system: SSCC1 - SSCC1_A - SGTIN1_A123 SSCC2 has the following hierarchy at SAP ATTP system: SSCC2 - SSCC2_B - SGTIN2_B456 After rule execution the following reporting events created: Reporting event 1 with aggregations SSCC1_A - SGTIN1_A123, SSCC2_B - SGTIN2_B456 (1st level) Reporting event 2 with aggregations SSCC1 - SSCC1_A, SSCC2 - SSCC2_B (2nd level) New feature. ISMT Document type text, Product group text, Universal document text is missing for language EN. New BC Set created to update configuration texts for languages EN, RU: /K3TMT/CUST_ISMT_300_2023_01_03, /K3TMT/CUST_ISMT_3_1_2023_01_03, /K3TMT/CUST_ISMT_3_2_2023_01_03. Implementation error. Function “Cancel” works incorrectly at transaction /K3TMT/REP_MONITOR. Reporting event status is not changed and AIF message status is not changed. After correction reporting event status is changed to “5-Error acknowledged“ and AIF message status is changed to “Cancel“. Implementation error. | New feature, error |