Name | Description, Values |
/K3T/ACTIVE | Activate MDLP connector X - active |
/K3T/CHECK_MDLP_SEQUENCE | Check MDLP sequence before message sending X - active |
/K3T/CHECK_QRFC_DISPATCHER | Check message already exists in the queue (SMQ1) before sending to prevent from sending again X - active |
/K3T/CHECK_RESP_MDLP_STATUS | Check response processed already: X - active |
/K3T/CHECK_SNR_PAID_STATUS | Check serial number paid status for processing 10311 or 10319 inbound messages X - active |
/K3T/CL_RU_NOTIF | Use custom class to process missing data function instead of class /K3T/CL_RU_NOTIF |
/K3T/CLASS_MDLP_STATUS | Redefine MDLP status processing class /K3T/CL_RU_MDLP_STATUS with custom class |
/K3T/DEL_CONF_MSG_OBJ_INACTIVE | Deactivate deletion object for aggregated messages after message confirmation from MDLP X - inactive |
/K3T/FM_DEL_MSG_CONTENT | Function module name to delete quantity data displayed in transaction /K3T/RU_MONITOR |
/K3T/FM_POPUP_MSG_CONTENT | Function module name to display quantity data in transaction /K3T/RU_MONITOR |
/K3T/FM_READ_MSG_CONTENT | Function module name to read quantity data displayed in transaction /K3T/RU_MONITOR |
/K3T/FM_SEARCH_MSG_CONTENT | Function module name to search GTIN, Lot number in transaction /K3T/RU_MONITOR |
/K3T/FM_STORE_MSG_CONTENT | Function module name to store quantity data displayed in transaction /K3T/RU_MONITOR |
/K3T/LM_AC_DOCTYPE_INACTIVE | Skip authorization check for MDLP document type at transaction /K3T/LM_MONITOR X – skip |
/K3T/LM_INACTIVE | Deactivate collecting data for Logistic Monitor X – deactivate |
/K3T/MDLP_API_HRY_DELAY | Delay on MDLP API request for SSCC hierarchy information |
/K3T/MDLP_API_HRY_DELAY_LOCK | Attempts number to set lock (with interval 1 second between) on MDLP API SSCC hierarchy information request |
/K3T/MDLP_API_S_LST_DELAY | Delay on MDLP API request for SGTIN information |
/K3T/MDLP_API_S_LST_DELAY_LOCK | Attempts number to set lock (with interval 1 second between) on MDLP API SGTIN information request |
K3T/MDLP_API_TSK_HRY_DELAY | Delay on MDLP API request to create MDLP reporting task report SSCC hierarchy |
/K3T/MDLP_API_TSK_INF_DELAY | Delay on MDLP API request to get information about MDLP reporting task |
/K3T/MDLP_API_TSK_MDP_DELAY | Delay on MDLP API request to create MDLP reporting task report Medicine disposal |
/K3T/MDLP_API_TSK_PR_DELAY | Delay on MDLP API request to create MDLP reporting task report Pricing report |
/K3T/MDLP_API_TSK_REM_DELAY | Delay on MDLP API request to create MDLP reporting task report Remaining medicines |
/K3T/MDLP_API_TSK_NO_DATA_TXT{X} | Text for MDLP analytic reporting task result to be parsed as no data found in MDLP. {X} means entry number, for example 1, 2, 3, 4 |
/K3T/MON_CHANGE_DOC_INACTIVE | Deactivate Change Log functionality X – deactivate |
/K3T/MON_DEF_TRN_DOCTYPE | Default business trans. document type to be displayed at /K3T/RU_MONITOR if event contains more than 1 business transaction document |
/K3T/MON_NAVIG_ACTIVE | Navigation to ATTP Cockpit is active for transaction /K3T/RU_MONITOR X - active |
/K3T/REDEFINE_CONFIG_INACTIVE | Deactivate Configuration ID determination if Subject Id was changed after status “05-Missing data” X - inactive |
/K3T/REPL_OPER_DATE | Replace operation date with current UTC timestamp for all messages before sending to MDLP X - active |
/K3T/REPL_OPER_DATE_915 | Replace operation date with current UTC timestamp for 915 message(915 could be changed to any other message) X - active |
/K3T/RU_ACCEPT_PARAM | Registration type for accept type: reverse or direct accept (415 / 441 message processing algorithm) Example: ZZ_ACEPT_TYPE |
/K3T/RU_DM_TRN | Table for additional parameters for business transaction Exampel: /K3T/DM_TRN_PRP |
/K3T/RU_INB_MSG_DELAY | Wait up to XX seconds to be able debug AIF processing Example: 30 |
/K3T/RU_MAX_LOG_OBJID_ERR_ROWS | Maximum number of log entries at object id check for inbound message processing Example: 50 |
/K3T/RU_MAX_LOG_ROWS | Maximum number of log entries at MDLP sequence check Example: 50 |
/K3T/RU_MAX_LOG_INFO_ROWS | Maximum log entries on sequence check for each report item Example: 50 |
/K3T/RU_MAXOCCURS_912 | Maximum number of SSCC at 912 with multiple SSCC notification to MDLP Example: 1500 |
/K3T/RU_MDLP_INFO_STORE_XML | Store XML for MDLP info request X - active |
/K3T/RU_MDLP_INFO_TRACE | Create /K3T/RU_MDLP entry for each 210 message X - active |
/K3T/RU_UNREG_PARAM | Registration type for unregistered participant (415 / 441 message processing algorithm) Example: ZZ_BP_UREG |
/K3T/SCN_ALLOW_EMPTY_SSCC | Suppress error for empty SSCC at SAP ATT on SCN processing (X - active) |
/K3T/SCN_BP_FIND_LOC_GLN | Find partner GLN by location assigned to the partner (first location with non-empty GLN) X - active |
/K3T/SCN_READ_OBJ_ATTEMPTS | Use specified attempts number to read objects from SAP system after posting EPCIS message on inbound SCN processing |
/K3T/SCN_READ_OBJ_DELAY | Use specified delay between attempts to read objects from SAP system after posting EPCIS message on inbound SCN processing |
/K3T/SCN_SENDER | Use specified sender at generated EPCIS |
/K3T/SCN_SKIP_DOCYEAR | Do not add the year to business transaction for EPCIS shipping event X - active |
/K3T/SCN_SKIP_DOCYEAR_601 | Do not add the year to business transaction for EPCIS shipping event in case of MDLP 601 message (601 could be changed to any other message) X - active |
/K3T/SCN_USE_221_HRY_INFO | Use 220/221 messages to get hierarchy data from MDLP during the processing inbound message 601, 603 X -active |
/K3T/SCN_USE_API_HRY_INFO | Use API method to get SSCC hierarchy data from MDLP during the processing inbound message 601, 603 X -active |
/K3T/SCN_USE_API_SGTIN_INFO | Use MDLP API to get SGTIN information X - active |
/K3T/SEQ_915_SSCC_INACTIVE | Deactivate SSCC check at sequence check for message 915 containing SGTIN-SSCC X - inactive |
/K3T/SEQ_MSG_OBJ_OPT_ACCESS | Use optimized access to the database data during sequence check. 100 – minimum number of objects in the message |
/K3T/SKIP_SINGLE_COST_DETAIL | Skip adding <detail> section to the node <sscc_detail> in the XML for SSCC with GTIN/LOT details if the SSCC contains only one lot for messages 341, 361, 362, 415, 416, 441, 461, 363, 335 X - skip |
/K3T/SKIP_SINGLE_REL_DETAIL | Skip adding <detail> section in XML for message type 363 X - skip |
/K3T/SKIP_SINGLE_CUST_DETAIL | Skip adding <detail> section in XML for message type 335 X - skip |
MR_TAB_DISPOSAL | External database table name to store MDLP analytic reporting Medicine disposal |
MR_DISTR_PACKAGE_SIZE | Package size to send data to external database Example 10000 |
MR_DISTR_SKIP_DEL_STEP | Skip data deletion step at SAP tables after sending data to external database X - skip |
MR_TAB_REMAINS | External database table name to store MDLP analytic reporting Remaining medicines |
MR_TAB_REQUEST | External database table name to store MDLP analytic reporting request |
MR_TAB_REQ_PARAM | External database table name to store MDLP analytic reporting request parameters |
MR_DBNAME | External database connection name to store MDLP analytic reporting data |