Versions Compared


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Description, Values


Activate MDLP connector

X - active


Check MDLP sequence before message sending

X - active


Check message already exists in the queue (SMQ1) before sending to prevent from sending again

X - active


Check response processed already:

X - active


Check serial number paid status for processing 10311 or 10319 inbound messages

X - active


Use custom class to process missing data function instead of class /K3T/CL_RU_NOTIF


Redefine MDLP status processing class /K3T/CL_RU_MDLP_STATUS with custom class


Deactivate deletion object for aggregated messages after message confirmation from MDLP

X - inactive


Function module name to delete quantity data displayed in transaction /K3T/RU_MONITOR


Function module name to display quantity data in transaction /K3T/RU_MONITOR


Function module name to read quantity data displayed in transaction /K3T/RU_MONITOR


Function module name to search GTIN, Lot number in transaction /K3T/RU_MONITOR


Function module name to store quantity data displayed in transaction /K3T/RU_MONITOR


Skip authorization check for MDLP document type at transaction /K3T/LM_MONITOR

X – skip


Deactivate collecting data for Logistic Monitor

X – deactivate


Delay on MDLP API request for SSCC hierarchy information


Attempts number to set lock (with interval 1 second between) on MDLP API SSCC hierarchy information request


Delay on MDLP API request for SGTIN information


Attempts number to set lock (with interval 1 second between) on MDLP API SGTIN information request


Delay on MDLP API request to create MDLP reporting task report SSCC hierarchy


Delay on MDLP API request to get information about MDLP reporting task


Delay on MDLP API request to create MDLP reporting task report Medicine disposal


Delay on MDLP API request to create MDLP reporting task report Pricing report


Delay on MDLP API request to create MDLP reporting task report Remaining medicines


Text for MDLP analytic reporting task result to be parsed as no data found in MDLP. {X} means entry number, for example 1, 2, 3, 4


Deactivate Change Log functionality

X – deactivate


Default business trans. document type to be displayed at /K3T/RU_MONITOR if event contains more than 1 business transaction document


Navigation to ATTP Cockpit is active for transaction /K3T/RU_MONITOR

X - active


Deactivate Configuration ID determination if Subject Id was changed after status “05-Missing data”

X - inactive


Replace operation date with current UTC timestamp for all messages before sending to MDLP

X - active


Replace operation date with current UTC timestamp for 915 message(915 could be changed to any other message)

X - active


Registration type for accept type: reverse or direct accept (415 / 441 message processing algorithm)



Table for additional parameters for business transaction

Exampel: /K3T/DM_TRN_PRP


Wait up to XX seconds to be able debug AIF processing

Example: 30


Maximum number of log entries at object id check for inbound message processing

Example: 50


Maximum number of log entries at MDLP sequence check

Example: 50


Maximum log entries on sequence check for each report item

Example: 50


Maximum number of SSCC at 912 with multiple SSCC notification to MDLP

Example: 1500


Store XML for MDLP info request 

X - active


Create /K3T/RU_MDLP entry for each 210 message

X - active


Registration type for unregistered participant (415 / 441 message processing algorithm)

Example: ZZ_BP_UREG


Suppress error for empty SSCC at SAP ATT on SCN processing (X - active)


Find partner GLN by location assigned to the partner (first location with non-empty GLN)

X - active


Use specified attempts number to read objects from SAP system after posting EPCIS message on inbound SCN processing


Use specified delay between attempts to read objects from SAP system after posting EPCIS message on inbound SCN processing


Use specified sender at generated EPCIS


Do not add the year to business transaction for EPCIS shipping event

X - active


Do not add the year to business transaction for EPCIS shipping event in case of MDLP 601 message (601 could be changed to any other message)

X - active


Use 220/221 messages to get hierarchy data from MDLP during the processing inbound message 601, 603

X -active


Use API method to get SSCC hierarchy data from MDLP during the processing inbound message 601, 603

X -active


Use MDLP API to get SGTIN information

X - active


Deactivate SSCC check at sequence check for message 915 containing SGTIN-SSCC 

X - inactive


Use optimized access to the database data during sequence check.

100 – minimum number of objects in the message


Skip adding <detail> section to the node <sscc_detail> in the XML for SSCC with GTIN/LOT details if the SSCC contains only one lot for messages 341, 361, 362, 415, 416, 441, 461, 363, 335

X - skip


Skip adding <detail> section in XML for message type 363

X - skip


Skip adding <detail> section in XML for message type 335

X - skip


External database table name to store MDLP analytic reporting Medicine disposal


Package size to send data to external database

Example 10000


Skip data deletion step at SAP tables after sending data to external database

X - skip


External database table name to store MDLP analytic reporting Remaining medicines


External database table name to store MDLP analytic reporting request


External database table name to store MDLP analytic reporting request parameters


External database connection name to store MDLP analytic reporting data
