Enhancements for MDLP analytics API added
Changes in config files:
Edit system java.security: comment 4 lines with "GostX509" and "ru.CryptoPro.ssl.SSLSocketFactoryImpl"
copy and edit local java.security: comment all "GostX509" and "ru.CryptoPro.ssl.SSLSocketFactoryImpl"
edit conf/wrapper.conf: add wrapper.java.additional.1=-Djava.security.properties=="C:\3keys\mdlp-connector\java.security"
edit testMDLP.bat: add -Djava.security.properties=="C:\3keys\mdlp-connector\java.security"for non-residents http://nrz.api.sb.mdlp.crpt.ru \nrz.api.mdlp.crpt.ru add:
"server": "http://nrz.api.sb.mdlp.crpt.ru " OR "nrz.api.mdlp.crpt.ru", "useRsaTls": true, "webdav": { "protocol": "https" }
1.6.1626159071 (13-Jul-2021)
CryptoProCli for installed certificates testing added
Minor fix for updating MDLP message processing status
Due to an issue in API 5.17 for the old (> 30 days) doctype 200 (ticket), API 5.19 additionally applies.
1.6.1622484348 (31-May-2021)