Document History
Version | Changes | Effective Date |
1.0 | First approved version 3Keys Uzbekistan OMS Add-On release 2024_04 | 01-Nov-2024 |
1. Overview
This document describes changes in the 3Keys Uzbekistan OMS connector ABAP part.
2. Notes
Note | Description | Category |
New BC Set /K3TUZ/CUST_OMS_3_4 Short Text: 3Keys Uzbekistan OMS Add-On 3.4 created. Software Component K3TUZ1 3Keys Uzbekistan OMS Add-On Release changed to 304 | New feature | |
According to the Uzbekistan API documentation changes from July 2024 OMS aggregation report rule types Z3KUZ_OMS_AGGR_MPCK, Z3KUZ_OMS_AGGR changed to use SSCC code including application ID (prefix “00”). After BC Set activation prefix “00” will be added to SSCC code by default. Use Custgen parameter “Z3KUZ_OMS_AG_SEND_ID” UZ OMS: Send Aggregation report with Application ID value ““ (blank) to avoid prefix if necessary. | New feature | |
Adjustment Uzbekistan OMS Connector code after the implementation SAP Note 3503054 - OMS API v3. New response statuses handling. To prevent multiple identical reporting event status check at OMS system events with final response status is filtered out. After SAP Note 3503054 implementation final response status for Russia OMS relevant reporting events is changed from “PROCESSED” to “SUCCESS” in case OMS 3.0 interaction is used. Reporting event status for Uzbekistan OMS Connector is set to “PROCESSED” that is incorrect. New Custgen parameter Z3KUZ_OMS_SUBS_SC_ST (transaction /STTP/CUSTGEN component REP, parameter option empty ) implemented to set new final status “SUCCESS“ after SAP Note 3503054 implementation. After correction in case final status “SUCCESS“ is activated at Custgen status “SUCCESS” will be set to Uzbekistan reporting events with response status “PROCESSED” without OMS interaction via transaction /STTP/SNR_CRYPTO_CST. SAP Note 3503054 is optional for this Note. | New feature |
3. Transport request for ATTP 3.0
The transport request A1DK900769 includes the release notes RN_2024_04 for ATTP 3.0 with following list of implemented notes.
Note: The transport request A1DK900635 (RN_2024_01) is a prerequisite for the import
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2024_04_1 | N/A | ||
2024_04_2 | A1DK900733 | A1DK900635 | 05-Aug-2024 |
2024_04_3 | A1DK900751 | A1DK900733 | 09-Oct-2024 |
4. Transport request for ATTP 3.1
The transport request A2DK900877 includes the release notes RN_2024_04 for ATTP 3.1 with following list of implemented notes.
Note: The transport request A2DK900703 (RN_2024_01) is a prerequisite for the import
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2024_04_1 | N/A | ||
2024_04_2 | A2DK900829 | A2DK900703 | 05-Aug-2024 |
2024_04_3 | A2DK900859 | A2DK900829 | 09-Oct-2024 |
5. Transport request for ATTP 3.2
The transport request A3DK900438 includes the release notes RN_2024_04 for ATTP 3.2 with following list of implemented notes.
Note: The transport request A3DK900293 (RN_2024_01) is a prerequisite for the import
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2024_04_1 | N/A | ||
2024_04_2 | A3DK900402 | A3DK900293 | 05-Aug-2024 |
2024_04_3 | A3DK900422 | A3DK900402 | 09-Oct-2024 |
6. Transport request for ATTP 3.3
The transport request A4DK900503 includes the release notes RN_2024_04 for ATTP 3.3 with following list of implemented notes.
Note: The transport request A4DK900097 (RN_2024_01) is a prerequisite for the import
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2024_04_1 | N/A | ||
2024_04_2 | A4DK900350 | A4DK900097 | 05-Aug-2024 |
2024_04_3 | A4DK900462 | A4DK900350 | 09-Oct-2024 |
7. Support package for ATTP 3.4
The Support package SAPK-30444INK3TUZ1 includes the release notes RN_2024_04 for ATTP 3.4 with following list of implemented notes. Import support package with transaction SPAM.
Note: The build 304 (SAPK-304COINK3TUZ1) is a prerequisite for the import
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2024_04_1 | included to SAPK-304COINK3TUZ1 | ATTP 3.4, Uzbekistan OMS Release 2024_01 | 10-Sep-2024 |
2024_04_2 | included to SAPK-304COINK3TUZ1 | ATTP 3.4, Uzbekistan OMS Release 2024_01 | 10-Sep-2024 |
2024_04_3 | A5DK900045 | SAPK-304COINK3TUZ1 | 09-Oct-2024 |