Document History
Version | Changes | Effective Date |
1.0 | First approved version 3Keys Kazakhstan MPT Connector Add-On release 3.1 | 01-May-2022 |
2.0 | Release RN_2023_02 | 01-May-2023 |
1. About This Guide
This document describes User transactions in 3Keys Kazakhstan connector MPT in SAP ATTP system.
2. Solution overview
SAP ATTP delivers a solution to generate the reporting messages for Russian ISMT system. The 3Keys Kazakhstan Connector MPT automate the communication and message transfer to Kazakhstan MPT system, visualize the message processing status with monitoring transaction, download and process the electronical document and receipts in ATTP
3. MPT cockpit transaction /K3TKZ/DOC_MONITOR
The MPT cockpit transaction /K3TKZ/DOC_MONITOR is used for the monitoring of Kazakhstan reporting (Includes all messages going from SAP ATTP to MPT through 3Keys Kazakhstan connector) to MPT.
After executing transaction /K3TKZ/DOC_MONITOR, the screen will be displayed with following selection parameters:
Document Selection section
MPT Document Type: internal document type represents MPT document type
Industry Identifier: Industry assigned to the report
Participant Tax Code: Sender tax number assigned to the report
Object code (EPC): SGTINs or SSCC can be entered
Original Document Number (XML): Document number in the MPT XML document
Configuration ID: Configuration ID assigned to the report
Material Number:
GS1 Global Trade Item Number: GTIN
Lot Number: Lot/Batch number
Document Number (Bus.trans.): Linked business transaction document number to the report
Document Year (Bus.trans.): Linked business transaction document year to the report
Global Location Number: GLN from EPCIS message
GLN extension: GLN extension from EPCIS message
Status Selection section:
Processing status: Report processing status of the MPT report
MPT document Status: This status has been received from MPT system for report
GUID Selection section:
Document Internal ID: Document header GUID, generates by SAP ATTP on report creation
MPT Document GUID: This GUID has been assigned by MPT to the report, user can enter document GUID (a unique number assigned to report) to search the report
Request Order ID: Crypto Code Order Reference from OMS
Period Selection section:
Buttons Today, Last 2 Weeks, Current Month, Current Year, All to simplify date time selection
Date From: Report creation interval from
Date To: Report creation interval to
Sending Date(XML) From: Report operation date from
Sending Date (XML) To: Report operation date to
Received Date From: Report response received interval from
Received Date To: Report response received interval to
Additional Parameters section:
Maximum Hits: Maximum amount messages to be selected
After executing the transaction, a new screen (MPT reporting cockpit) will be displayed, and report information will be shown based on the search criteria
The screen has two parts. On the top of the screen the message header is shown, on the lower part the messages related to the header displayed after double click on the header row.
The message header has following fields (some of the fields hidden and can be displayed by changing ALV Grid layout):
Direction: Document direction as icon
Status: Report processing status as icon
Status: Report processing status as code
Status: Report processing status as text
MPT Document Type: MPT document type internal code
MPT Document Type: MPT document type text
Industry Identifier: Report industry
Global Trade Item Number: GTIN or word Multiple in case multiple GTINs included in the message
Lot Number: Lot/Batch number or word Multiple in case multiple Lots included in the message
Material Number: Material number assigned to GTIN from report or word Multiple in case multiple GTINs included in the report
Configuration ID: Configuration ID from system for MPT account
MPT Document Type Description: MPT document type text
Rule Type: Rule triggered based on this rule type from rule configuration
Created On: Report header creation time converted into user time zone
Change On: Report header last changing time converted into user time zone
Sending Date (user): Report event date time converted into user time zone
Participant Tax code: Sender tax code from report
Participant Name: Sender name from report
XML Document Number: Document number from XML
XML Document Date: Document date from XML
Document Number: Document number business transaction
Document Year: Document year business transaction
Counterparty Tax code: Receiver tax number from report
Counterparty Name: Receiver name from system found by tax number
Document Internal Identifier: Report header GUID
Event Internal Identifier: Event GUID
Created by: Report creation user
Changed by: Report changed user
Report Type: Report type code (1 - Notification / 2 - OMS)
Global Location Number: GLN from triggering rule event
Global Location Number Extension GLN extension from triggering rule event
Location Name: Location name text
The header row shall be selected to execute one of the following buttons on top of the screen (some of the buttons hidden, depends on user authorization role and parameters):
Refresh: Refresh shown entries based on selection screen values
ALV Grid standard buttons to filter, to sort, to search displayed data, changing layout, printing
Cancel: The message header with all related messages will be canceled
Approval: The message header with all related messages will be checked for sequence, approved, and send
Sequence Check: The log of the sequence check for selected message
Change Log: The log of actions and field changes for the selected message
Navigate: Menu of functions for the selected message includes:
Display events: Navigation to the event in ATTP Cockpit
Display business transactions: Navigation to the business transactions in ATTP Cockpit
Display reporting events: Navigation to the reporting event in ATTP Cockpit
Reset No response: Reset status “No response” for selected reports to get response again
Software Version: Display installed Release and Notes for MPT Connector
The click on GTIN or Lot Number will show Popup with calculated quantities.
The message item has following fields (some of the fields hidden and can be displayed by changing ALV Grid layout):
Status: Report item processing status as icon
MPT Document Status: Status received from MPT system for report
MPT Document EDI Status: EDI Status received from MPT system for report
Created on: Message creation time converted into user time zone
Changed on: Message last changing time converted into user time zone
Received on: Message last response received time converted into user time zone
Send on: Message last send time converted into user time zone
File ID: Unique File ID for XML generated by SAP ATTP
Error text: Error text received on sending / response (Double click available to receive full error text)
Document EDI Status: EDI status from MPT system
MPT Document EDI ID: EDI ID from MPT system
Document Internal Item Identifier Report item GUID
MPT Document GUID: GUID assigned by MPT to the report
Event Internal Identifier: Event GUID
AIF Message ID: Reporting event AIF GUID
Created by: Report creation user
Changed by: Report changed user
Processing status: Report item processing status
Document Internal Identifier: Report header GUID
Configuration ID: Configuration ID from system for MPT account
Report Type: Report type code (1 - Notification / 2 - OMS)
MPT Document Type: MPT document type internal code
Rule Type: Rule type report has been triggered
The item row shall be selected to execute one of the following buttons on lower part of the screen (some of the buttons hidden, depends on user authorization role, message processing status or type):
ALV Grid standard buttons to filter, to sort, to search displayed data, changing layout, printing
Refresh: Refresh messages related to the selected header
MPT Message: Menu of functions for the selected message includes:
Display Document Summary JSON: Request document summary JSON online from MPT and display to the user
Download Document Summary JSON: Request document summary JSON online from MPT and store as file
Display Document Details JSON: Request document details JSON online from MPT and display to the user
Download Document Details JSON: Request document details JSON online from MPT and store as file
Display Msg XML: Request XML online from MPT and display to the user
Download Msg XML: Request XML online from MPT and store as file
Reset processing status: Remove processing status to request processing status again from ISMT
Repeat message sending: Send message again to MPT
Get response now: Get response for report immediately
Message AIF: Menu of functions for the selected message includes:
Display Message XML: Display AIF message
Download Message XML: Download AIF message
Message AIF: Show AIF transaction
Display processing log: Display application log
Special functions: extra functions
Update Objects MPT status: Update MPT status for message objects
Update token: Request new token from MPT system
3.1. MPT message processing status
The MPT message processing status defined allowed actions for the message in 3Keys Kazakhstan Connector MPT:
01-init: Outbound message created.
05-missing_data: Message processing stop and waiting of user to maintain the missing message data to generate the reporting
07-wait_approval: Message processing stop and waiting for user approval via transaction /K3TKZ/DOC_MONITOR
10-queued: Message is currently in processing by queue or sequence check failed. Wait until queue is processed or other message will be processed, and sequence check will be successful. The user can manually approve the message and skip the sequence check
15-ready_for_send: Message sequence check performed successfully, and message is waiting for sending
20-sent: Message sent to MPT system and waiting of processing status update
30-confirmed: Message successfully confirmed (end status)
40-error: Message processed with error. Message can be resent again.
45-error_missing_data: ATTP reporting error, message data can be corrected by user with function “Maintain missing data” and resent again
50-recalled: message has been recalled by initiator
85-no_response: MPT response error, maximum number of response error counter exceeded, status can be reset with function “Reset no response” and requested again
99-cancelled: Message is canceled by user (end status)
4. Request Serial number information transaction /K3TKZ/MPT_SN_INFO
The Request Serial Number information transaction /K3TKZ/MPT_SN_INFO is used to request information for serial number from MPT (using True API method through 3Keys Kazakhstan connector MPT).
After executing transaction /K3TKZ/MPT_SN_INFO, the screen will be displayed with following selection parameters:
Configuration ID: Configuration ID to execute True API request
Update MPT status: execute MPT status update based on received information
Object Code (EPC): SGTINs or SSCC can be entered, example 010048123456712321FMExgy3VznHVV
Object Code (EPC): multiple SGTINs or SSCC can be entered
Document Internal ID: GUID from report monitor for object selection
Reporting event ID: GUID from reporting event for object selection
Document Number (Bus.transaction): TRN document for object selection
Document Year (Bus.transaction): TRN document for object selection
ALV grid: Display ALV grid with object data from JSON response
Display as JSON: Display response from MPT system
After executing the transaction, JSON file will be displayed or error message in case True API request failed with error
If Checkbox Update MPT status is activated SGTIN status is updated in the DB table /K3TKZ/OBJ_STA
5. Create OMS report program /K3TKZ/OMS_REP
The Create OMS report program /K3TMT/OMS_REP is used to create entries at /K3TMT/REP_MONITOR transaction with type OMS report (91) for created reporting events with type BR_CRYPTO_COMM.
After executing program /K3TKZ/OMS_REP, the screen will be displayed with following selection parameters:
Event internal ID: reporting event ID for manual run
Rule type: reporting event rule type, example BR_CRYPTO_COMM
Reporting notification type: reporting event notification type, example RR_CC
Number Report OMS, %: number of objects for MPT status check in %
Min object number: number of objects in reporting event to check all objects instead of object number based on % calculation
Configuration ID: Configuration ID to execute True API request
Delay before first check: Delay after event creation before first MPT status check
Max repeat number: Stop execution after specified number of errors
After executing the transaction, for each selected reporting event program calculates object number for status check based on selection screen values. For each object program check MPT status via True API request. If status for all objects is “Applied” the following actions performed:
New header and report entry created at transaction /K3TKZ/DOC_MONITOR with type OMS report and status “Confirmed”
Initial MPT status creates for reporting event SGTINs
Event of processed reporting events marked as processed.
If reporting event have objects with status “Applied” and “Emitted” program skip this reporting event to process with next run
If reporting event have objects with status “Applied” and other status program creates header and report entry at transaction /K3TKZ/DOC_MONITOR with type OMS report and status “Error”
6. Change MPT document attributes program /K3TKZ/DOC_CHANGE
The Change MPT document attributes transaction /K3TKZ/DOC_CHANGE is used to correct data /K3TKZ/DOC_MONITOR transaction if necessary.
After executing program /K3TKZ/DOC_CHANGE, the screen will be displayed with following selection parameters:
Document internal ID: Document monitor header GUID
Document internal item ID: Document monitor item GUID
Set Header Status: Execute header status field update
Processing status: Processing status to be set
Set Item Status: Execute item status field update
Processing status: Processing status to be set
After executing the transaction, for each selected document monitor entry program updates attributes based on selection screen values. Change log entry is created.
7. Upload configuration to SAAS transaction /K3TKZ/MPT_API_SAAS
Transaction /K3TKZ/MPT_API_SAAS is used to configure MPT Connector SAAS part.
Predefined RFC connection to connector with empty Path prefix is required. For example, if you have RFC connection “MPT“ for sending notifications with Path prefix, please create new connection “MPT_API“ with the same credentials without Path prefix.
Available actions:
Display certificate information: receive certificate information from connector
Upload Certificate: upload file and send certificate file to connector (P12 file is expected)
Upload Configuration: upload file and send configuration file to connector (YAML file is expected)
For each action authority check is performed with authorisation object /K3TKZ/001 field /K3TKZ/DAC values 53-Display Certificate, 54-Upload Certificate, 55-Upload Configuration.
8. Test MPT API transaction /K3TKZ/MPT_API_TEST
Transaction /K3TKZ/MPT_API_TEST is used to test MPT API.
Predefined RFC connection to connector with empty Path prefix is required.
Available actions:
Health Check: test connector status
Display certificate information: receive certificate information from connector
API Call: execute API call to MPT system
For each action authority check is performed with authorisation object /K3TKZ/001 field /K3TKZ/DAC values 53-Display Certificate, 56-Call API, 57-Health Check.
9. MPT API Audit Log transaction /K3TKZ/MPT_API_LOG
Transaction /K3TKZ/MPT_API_LOG is used to display MPT API Audit Log.
Authority check is performed on transaction run with authorisation object /K3TKZ/001 field /K3TKZ/DAC value 58-Display MPT API Log.
Transaction has selection screen to search specific entries at MPT API Audit Log database table. To restrict log selection log attributes can be specified.
Result data display with ALV grid. Due to technical reasons value of fields REQUEST, RESPONSE, PATH is shortened on display to get detail information double click is supported. To get full list export file option is available.