Note | Description | Category |
Transaction /K3TKZ/EDO_MONITOR changed:
Program /K3TKZ/EDO_OMS_REP configuration ID determination corrected for case single tax code is not unique and used for multiple Business partners. New actions implemented into transaction /K3TKZ/EDO_API_SAAS to configure SAAS Log mode. Existing authorization object to display certificate used. Available actions:
For each action authority check is performed with authorisation object /K3TKZ/001 field /K3TKZ/DAC value 53-Display Certificate. | New feature, error | |
Function Sequence check is extended with new sequence check rule to check SSCC pallets from message online at CEDM system. It is expected SSCC pallets from message exist at CEDM and contains child elements SSCC type (child elements started with prefix “00“). New sequence step check is not active by default and could be activated via transaction /K3TKZ/EDO_PARAM. New parameters for sequence check step activation per CEDM message type.
The system will skip sequence check step “Check SSCC pallets online” if parameter for online sequence check per CEDM message type is not maintained. New maintenance view /K3TKZ/V_EDOPAR created to change 3Keys parameter value without transport request. Maintenance view can be started via transaction SM30. Document sending process improved to send document by steps. The next sending step is only started after all documents relevant for previous sending step have been processed. New parameters for delay added to selection screen program /K3TKZ/EDO_DISPATCHER to wait specific time between sending steps:
Response processing improvement for error document status. Error for document from CEDM system is received via new API method “marks-error/{docID}” and saved item field “Error text”. To use new API method It is required to activate BC Set /K3TKZ/CUST_EDO_3_X_2025_01_02 and maintain rest service manually (see Solution section). Support of local packaging in Kazakhstan added. To send crypto code request for local production maintain GTIN parameter “ZKZ_OMS_RTM” with value “PRODUCTION” or business partner company registration type “ZKZ_OMSRMT” value “PRODUCTION”. Please refer to Kazakhstan OMS Configuration guide for details. Maintain “EDO Status send from” and “EDO Status change to” in the transaction /K3TKZ/EDO_CUST and save as customizing transport and import in test and production ATTP system. This will allow to send “Act of acceptance” and “Act of acceptance Single Distributor” with status “APPLIED” (“Нанесен КМ”) as first message to CEDM system and change status to “INTRODUCED” (“Введен в оборот“) after successful notification processing. | New feature |
3. Transport request for ATTP 3.0
The transport request A1DK9007XX A1DK900799 includes the release notes RN_2025_01 for ATTP 3.0 with following list of implemented notes.
4. Transport request for ATTP 3.1
The transport request A2DK9008XX A2DK900926 includes the release notes RN_2025_01 for ATTP 3.1 with following list of implemented notes.
5. Transport request for ATTP 3.2
The transport request A3DK9004XX A3DK900474 includes the release notes RN_2025_01 for ATTP 3.2 with following list of implemented notes.
6. Transport request for ATTP 3.3
The transport request A4DK900XXX A4DK900553 includes the release notes RN_2025_01 for ATTP 3.3 with following list of implemented notes.