The support package SAPK-30444INK3TKZ1 includes the release notes RN_2024_04 for ATTP 3.4 with following list of implemented notes. Import support package with transaction SPAM.
Note: The build 304 (SAPK-304COINK3TKZ1) is a prerequisite for the import
Note | Transport | Prerequisites | Release date |
2024_04_1 | Included to SAPK-304COINK3TKZ1 | ATTP 3.3, Kazakhstan OMS Release 2024_02 | 11-Sep-2024 |
2024_04_2 | Included to SAPK-304COINK3TKZ1 | ATTP 3.3, Kazakhstan OMS Release 2024_02 | 11-Sep-2024 |
2024_04_3 | A5DK900038 | SAPK-304COINK3TKZ1 | 07-Oct-2024 |