Document History
Version | Changes | Effective Date |
1.0 | First approved version | 01-Feb-2024 |
2.0 | Updated with Release 2024_02 | 01-May-2024 |
3.0 | Updated with Release 2024_03 | 01-Aug-2024 |
4.0 | Updated with Release 2024_04 | 01-Nov-2024 |
Table of Contents |
About This Guide
Industry Identifier | RU System | RU System Revision | REST Operation | REST Path |
20 | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | EDO_CREATE_DOC | /apiUot/api/v1/private/create-doc |
20 | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | EDO_DATA_FOR_SIGN | /apiUot/api/v1/private/getDataForSign |
20 | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | EDO_DOC_ACCEPT | /apiUot/api/v1/private/document/accept |
20 | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | EDO_DOC_LIST | /apiUot/api/v1/private/doc-list |
20 | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | EDO_DOC_REJECT | /apiUot/api/v1/private/document/reject |
20 | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | EDO_EDIT_AGGREGATE | /apiUot/api/v1/private/aggregate/edit |
20 | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | EDO_GET_AGGREGATE | /apiUot/api/v1/private/aggregate/{code} |
20 | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | EDO_GET_DOC_CODES | /apiUot/api/v2/private/document/codes/{docID} |
20 | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | EDO_GET_DOC_GTIN | /apiUot/api/v1/private/document/gtin/{docId} |
20 | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | EDO_GET_TOKEN | /apiUot/api/v1/private/get-token |
20 | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | EDO_INFO_KM | /apiUot/api/v1/private/info-km |
20 | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | EDO_PROF_DOC | /apiUot/api/v2/private/profile-doc |
20 | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | EDO_PROF_OUT_DOC | /apiUot/api/v1/private/profile-out-doc |
20 | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | EDO_SEND_SIGNED | /apiUot/api/v1/private/sendSigned |
20 | NTF (Notification System) | 600 | EDO_UPD_DOC_GTIN | /apiUot/api/v1/private/document/gtin/{docId} |
Field | Description, Values |
Industry | Industry relevant for connector operations |
Product group | Product group at CEDM system |
Text | Free text used to describe industry |
Inbound document active | Flag to activate inbound document processing (for future releases) |
This mapping will be used to identify correct product group (Commodity group) on execution CEDM API request.
Participant tax code fields could be filled with value from source or destination fields of the EPCIS event or business transaction in the transaction /K3TKZ/EDO_ATTR_MAP .
The following location data source is supported: