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Effective Date


First approved version



One technical user shall be created in ATTP and have authorization to execute web service calls.


Maintain service paths

Check and, if needed, maintain the service paths in the view /STTP/V_RSRVPATH via transaction SM30. Industry 20 is default industry for methods, correct product group depends on industry and added before True API request execution



Description, Values


ATTP System name (with assigned RFC with path /edo/api

Example: EDO


Navigation to ATTP Cockpit is active for transaction /K3TKZ/DOC_MONITOR

X - active


Customizing for Reports

Relevant industry



Description, Values

Rule Type

Rule execution type 

Notification Type

Notification type, for example Z3KZED11


AIF namespace.

Value is common for 3Keys EDO connector: /STTC3

Interface Name

AIF interface.

Unique for each rule type, example: ZKZEDO_011

Interface Version

AIF interface version.

3Keys Kazakhstan EDO connector value: 1

Raw Data Structure

AIF request/response structure for notification data


SAP Data Structure

SAP structure for notification data


EDO Document Type

Internal document type

Example: 11

Mapper class

Mapper class to fill notification with data

Example: /K3TKZ/CL_EDO_0011_MAPPER


Product Group

Product group in the transaction /K3TKZ/EDO_CUST under “Product group” contains possible values for product groups at EDO system. 3Keys Kazakhstan EDO already contains product groups, maintain additional values in case new product group added:


Description, Values

Product group

Product group from True API documentation

Example: pharma


Description (used at search help)

Example: Pharma


EDO Status send from, EDO Status send to

EDO status customising customizing in the transaction /K3TKZ/EDO_CUST under “EDO Status send from” contains possible status values for message sequence check before sending to EDO system. Note “EDO Status change to” contains new status value to be set after receiving successful response for notification. 3Keys Kazakhstan EDO already contains EDO status, maintain values in case other status processing logic is required


Reporting message attributes

Participant tax code fields could be filled with value from source or destination fields of the EPCIS event or business transaction in the transaction /K3TKZ/EDO_ATTR_MAP .

The following location data source is supported:


The following fields are available for mapping:

CONSIGNEEID - Act of acceptance, Introduce EAEU
IMPORTERCODE - Import from third countries
SUPPLIERID - Act of acceptance


Reserved for the future developed reporting message types

Rule processing

The common rule processing scheme:


The rule type Z3KKZ_MT EDO shall be assigned in the transaction /STTP/CUST_RULES to business steps / location groups related for the EDO Kazakhstan reporting 

The rule type Z3KKZ_MT EDO allows to use additional customizing parameters to determine the rule to be executed, determine the approval parameters, and helps with sequence check. In case event triggered rule contains more than one industry rule type Z3KKZ_MT EDO split objects into several reporting events group by industry.

Maintain the rules in the transaction /K3TKZ/EDO_CONF under “Rule Configuration”


Description, Values


Free text used to describe the scenario and group multiple rules to be triggered for the same event

Rule processing sequence

Sequence of rule triggering for the same Scenario

Industry identifier

Industry for which rule will trigger

For empty industry the following logic used:

  • For each relevant industry from system (transaction /K3TKZ/EDO_CUST, node “Relevant Industry”) check event contains at least one object with this industry;

  • Start rule from rule configuration

EDO Document type

EDO Document type

Rule type

The ATTP standard rule type or customer developed

Rule is active

Set check box to activate the rule

Rule Condition Cust

Rule condition 

Business Step

Business step


Disposition code (optional)

Location Group

Business location group (optional)

BizLocation GLN

Business location GLN (optional)

BizLoc. GLN Ext

Business location extension (optional)

Bus. Transact. Type

Business transaction type (optional)



Maintain additional parameters in the transaction /K3TKZ/EDO_CONF under “Rule Configuration” if required skip specific rules using SAP ATTP rule conditions or class-based rule conditions


Class-based rule condition is maintained via transaction /K3TKZ/CUST node “Rule condition” and based on class method /K3TKZ/CL_RULES=>GET_RULE_CONDITION_CLASS. Method is used to get class name from table /K3TKZ/C_COND, custom class could be assigned as condition processor. Class method /K3TKZ/IF_3K_RULE_CONDITIONS~EXECUTE is called. (Rule processing will stop check if result is skip rule). 


Message approval

By default every report is ready for sending. If the explicit waiting of user approval is required activate User Approval check box in the transaction /K3TKZ/EDO_CONF under “Configuration ID” 


Description, Values

Configuration ID

Free text used to describe the Configuration ID

User Apprvl

Wait explicit user approval (optional)



Sequence check

The sequence check is active for all outbound notification to EDO system. The sequence check is triggered during the message approval, check sequence function, sending notification to EDO via report /K3TKZ/EDO_DISPATCHER.



Description, Values

Participant tax code

Participant Tax code from notification

Configuration ID

Free text used to describe the Configuration ID

4.8. Inbound Documents processing

Activate inbound Documents processing in the transaction /K3TKZ/CUST in the transaction /K3TKZ/CUST under “Relevant industry”.




Description, Values




Industry relevant for connector operations


Inbound document active


Flag to activate inbound document processing

Maintain inbound filter customizing in the transaction /K3TKZ/CUST node “Inbound Filter”




Description, Values


Configuration ID


Configuration ID for the EDO cabinet where the document expected




Industry relevant for document processing.

Example: 20


Document Int.sec


Interval between inbound document requests


Document Ovl.sec


Document overlap in seconds (“Date from” field to request inbound document will be calculated as Last Run time – Document overlap)


The report /K3TKZ/EDO_DOC_IN shall be planned as a background job to request from EDO and process the documents. The document processing executed with AIF functions and visible in the transaction /AIF/ERR.

The 3Keys Kazakhstan Connector for EDO provides the list of function modules for processing of inbound messages.

Function module /K3TKZ/AIF_DOC_IN_NO_REACTION set document status based on EDO document status.

Assign the processing function module in the transaction /K3TKZ/CONF node “Inbound Document processing”




Description, Values


Doc Type


Document type of inbound document (Example:
0004 – IMPORT_TRANSIT, 0005 – KZ_UPD )


Sender Bin


Sender tax number from EDO document (optional)


Receiver Bin


Receiver tax number from EDO document (optional)






Function Module


Execution function module


Alert Category


Alert category for email notification (optional)






In common inbound document processing is presented on the following diagram


4.9. Background jobs for report processing


Background jobs for report processing

Report sending

The report /K3TKZ/EDO_DISPATCHER (could be planned as background job or run manually via transaction /K3TKZ/EDO_DISP) collects created reports with status “Sequence check” and “Ready for sending”, perform sequence check and send report to EDO system and update data:


First response for report is requested after delay set in the configuration customizing (table transaction /K3TKZ/CEDO_CONF_ID)

In case no positive response (response http code 200) received for report, program updates:


The report run results are stored as application log transaction SLG1, Object  /STTP/, Sub object DM, External ID /K3TKZ/EDO_RESPONSE


OMS report processing

The report /K3TKZ/EDO_OMS_REP (could be planned as background job or run manually) collects events with processed BR_CRYPTO_COMM reporting events, checks status at EDO system for specific number (subset) of SGTINs and updates data:
